my first coral.


New member
added a nice finger leather last night, really cool green and purple in color.

this morning i notived it is leaning to oneside, there something i should be concerned about, or is this normal? it has opened up nicely.
Don't worry yet. The first time I added a leather it was shrunken for a week until it opened back up again. Sometimes they do that.
dont worry those are strong corals takes alot to kill them
the do close up alot give it a few weeks it will get better
IME, when first introduced to a new system, leathers 'shed' a layer of skin. As said above, they are pretty tough corals so I wouldn't worry.

Congrats on the beginning of an addiction :)
Your leather is stressed, just give it time. This won't be the first time this will happen, they are moody!
My first leather would open up really nice then close for a Jules then open ip again. Repeat that cycle for a couple of months. Eventually it evened itself out however I do find that they don't like much flow at all especially if the flow is direct. Try and keep it in a lower flow area of the tank.