my 120

Thanks guys! No bigger tanks until I get a bigger house.
It's always a frag fest over here, but just not enough SPS keepers anymore to keep up. I think Neoz already has every SPS in my tank.
I'm really happy I've finally got things going so well, but the cal/alk demand at these growth rates is killing me.
I could honestly see myself swinging back to softies/LPS in about a year, and finally get an anemone, but who knows.
I can always find/make a spot for new frags... I'm still on the lookout for ORA Belina, Pearlberry & the new blue voodoo as well as a blue/green cyphastrea
I'm not sure that you have enough colors in there....It would really suck to be color blind....What a beautiful system..
Well Adam, I would definitely love to make it out there with my friend from the St. James swap to take some SPS off your hands! I'd love a chunk of Red Planet. I'm sure there are LOTS of others that I'd like too.
Adam your tank is always awesome. You are right that I think i have almost all your stuff in my tank, problem is that is that it doesn't "look" like yours :eek:..... yet. But I hope too soon.

Once I get my Nitrates in order I believe I'll be ready to take more SPS frags off your hands. Just placed my order for my skimmer. Should have that early part of week. That will help.

As for the ORA Belina, I have that just waiting for it too get a little bigger then the first frag is yours. I'll try and snap a picture of it tomorrow.

Oh and your Alk/Cal demand.... I wish I had that problem ;)
Drs. Fosters-Smith is carrying the ORA Bellina and Blue Voodoo corals. If you ever want to go in on an order let me know. I recently picked up Red Planet forgetting that you had that. Oh, and did I mention, your display looks terrific. I'd love to see both your tank and Nate roger's nominated for TOTM. It would be nice to see a display that a real person could afford, run with only a modest amount of space and equipment represented as TOTM. Any seconds on the move to nominate? How does one go about doing that anyway?
thepircs - I'm assuming that your last post was in jest, but if you haven't seen it in person, the pics online don't do it justice at all! That is the best SPS tank that I've ever seen with my own eyes. Let me tell you that it looks about 20x's better in person! You can't get the demensions with the pics on here. When I read through Adam's thread (no offense Adam!!!!), I though I'd be going to somebody's house where the tank is just a pile of rock with a bunch of coral growing on it and nothing out of the ordinary 180g/125g long style of tank. WOW was I surprised!!!!!! I LOVE the 2x2x4 dimension, and the colors from all the different corals he has in there is completely amazing! The selection and varying types of textures/colors/shapes is completely awesome, and then there are all the fish that come out when he feeds......And a sick Black Pistol Shrimp! Boost to Adam's tank as the best SPS dominated reef in the area!

Also, I'd soooooo love to see Nate's tank featured as TOTM. Not only since it's local, but I am a mixed reef man myself, and I'm kinda tired of seeing the big gallon SPS tanks featured. I would love a midsize softy based tank as TOTM. I think Nate's tank is probably my favorite from all the STRS and URS forums. I loved it when it was SPS, and now I am DROOLING over it with the softy based approach that he's taken. PROPS FOR A GOOD IDEA!!!!!!
Hey adam sorry for the delay in Pic's Here is an FTS. I'll get the other ones together hopefully tonight.
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It was great to see your tank again last week Adam. I never tire of looking at your tank. It just keeps looking better every time i see it. There is a lot going on in that 4 x 2 cube. And btw, nice shot Vince.
Nice pics Vince, thanks.... Just got my Cannon SX20IS so I'll probably break it out and take some more pics sometime this weekend.
holy moly incredibly awesome tank!
went thru every page and saw the progression from the start, very nice!