gorilla crabs


New member
i believe i found a gorilla crab in my tank. its a 55FOWLR. i am worried that it may kill my fish which i heard they can do or hurt my tank in another way. if so how do i get rid of them and how do i know there are not more?

I have never done one, but I know they sell traps to catch pests. Also, you can search on RC for crab traps, etc.
I had one and i ended up waiting til dark and with a flash light located the lil'sucker!!!! I was able to remove the piece of rock he was hiding in and got him out!!! It took a few nights to get him but it is worth the fight!!! Not sure of any crab traps but someone suggested putting a piece of shrimp in a glass and angle it so when he goes in to get it he can't climb back out....justa suggestion
I saw a site that showed a crab trap made out of a plastic pop bottle. You have to cut the top portion off and reverse it and put it back into the bottom portion. The crab can get in, but can't get out because of the angle. You can use a hole punch and some fishing line to secure the two pieces together if they don't fit snug enough. You may also have to widen the opening - or use one of those wide mouth, one liter bottles, depending on the size of the crab....

Hope that works for you.
When i first got my tank it was from someone else who i believe might have got most of their stuff from the ocean, (bad thing). my tank was filled with crabs. infact i had to gather up some friends and sift through every grain of crushed coral. (in a 155) to get most of them out. after i had set my tank up i found the ones who got away as they started to appear in my tank. the best way to get them is by using either krill or especially a silverside. use a plastic bottle from some kind of fresh water and establish it right in the base of the sand and wait. once they go in, (and they will) lift up the bottle as fast as you can. this should only tank a couple of minets. it will also help with those orange bristle worms too