Kole tang or Powder Brown??


New member

I am almost ready to begin stocking my 90G. The total system is 115 Gallons, with an oversized skimmer (Warner Marine AS-150). 110 Lbs Fiji Live rock.

My current tentative stocking list:
Yellow Tang (1x)
Occ. Clownfish (2x)
Oran. Stripe Prawn Goby (1x)
Lawnmower Blenny (1x)
McCoskers Flasher Wrasse (Trio)
Blackbar Chromis (7x)
Kaudern's Cardinalfish (2x)
Blue Mandarin

This comes to about 55" total size. I am planning on having SPS, LPS, softies, mushrooms and a clam.

Here's the question. I think I want to add one more fish to the list, either the Kole Yellow Eye Tang (Ctenochaetus strigosus), or the Powder Brown Tang (Acanthurus japonicus). Which would fit the system better, and not fight with the Yellow tang. Or should I stay away from another tang?

Thanks in advance.
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I personally would only keep one of the smaller tangs in that size tank.
A Kole is fine, there are other choices in the tang sticky above w/ recommended tank size to each fish.
Inches per gallon is not as acceptable in SW as it is in FW, we go much less than what you would stock a FW tank.
IMO, that's already a lot of fish for a 90. But I like to keep my bioload lower to avoid problems.

As for the tangs, many will tell you a 90 isn't big enough for even the yellow alone, though as many will tell you they've kept plenty in such tanks. I will let others chime in there.

As for which fish will be better suited in a crowded reef, the kole tang is waaaay milder than an Acanthurus tang, IME. While you have a lot of bottom dwellers and smaller fish, and the powder tang will be a major cruiser, it may not keep peace with even the crew you plan.

Others with more experience can amend this.
I have kept saltwater before, just not tangs. I usually go with 1/2 per gallon as a rough estimate. The plan includes 54" and the kole is 7, so 61. 122 Gallons, my tank is 115, so I am good.

It sounds like the Kole is the best bet. Thanks to all.
FYI, I think the inches rule, for what it's worth, applies to space the fish will inhabit, not total gallons. A 20 gal tank with a 55 gal sump couldn't hold the same fish as a 75 gal tank.
Not only that but some fish will increase bioload more than others, or some require a certain need for swim space, such as tangs.
I do realize that, but primarily this is a bioload issue. The sump less than 1/4 of the total tank volume. I was mostly asking about interactions between the Yellow and the Kole.

The one number that everyone may be falling over is the 7 Blackbars. Max size for this fairly uncommon species is only 2 inches.
I have a Kole and a Yellow in a 110. They were bought very small about 2 years ago and put in at the same time. They don't even look twice at each other. This is just my experience. . .others may have a diff story.
i had gotten a ~4" powder brown a few days ago. its in a 29g QT right now. i really like the fish as it eats with conviction everything i put in there.
I do realize that, but primarily this is a bioload issue. The sump less than 1/4 of the total tank volume. I was mostly asking about interactions between the Yellow and the Kole.

The one number that everyone may be falling over is the 7 Blackbars. Max size for this fairly uncommon species is only 2 inches.

The yellow and kole may get along if you are lucky.
Typically yellows are fussy, don't take to newcomers very well, and aggression increases in smaller tanks as they claim territory.
Some have luck changing scenery in tank.
The heavier the bioload, the more risk of aggresion, stress, and other problems such as disease.
Tangs need the swim room to help w/ their digestive system, this is why most advise having plenty of swim room.
My 150g houses only one tang, and yeah, I could probably add one more, maybe even two, and some might go tang crazy.
Just keep in mind, the more you push it, the more you ask for trouble.
I guess just the normal tricks to minimize aggression: introduce at the same time, get them small, etc.