Attn: All aquarium business owners

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Stealth Vendor! Good way to get PERMANENTLY BANNED from RC, too!'s a 'nice' idea...but SORRY, IMO, you've got no shot to make any $ doing this...there are plenty of people out there, already trying...if they last a year, they've done 'good'...
The wholesalers will NOT give preference to someone spending a few hundred dollars, every few weeks...the 'good stuff/high end' pieces go to the best customers...the 'real' dealers import their own pieces, and cut out the WS.
You need to learn A LOT more about the hobby, first.
If you insist on trying, start very small, keep the 'investment' to a minimum. I'm sure you will find someone selling off their 'prop system', cheap! (because they're giving up!)

The experience/education is what your dad will be paying for.
why would reef central care if he sold some frags locally?
so let me get all the info straight here. i know this isnt a good idea to some people but alot dont know how im planning it. i dont know im just smart like that i cant explain it but its planned out in a way that i cant possibly lose money unless the tank crashes which really shouldn't happen now because im not dosing anything that could crash it i dont have anything in there that could crash it. im home all the time and my apex emails me if anything happens and if i go away or something i have people that know what there doing living on my block to fix anything. so you are saying if i set this up as an LLC instead of a sole proprietorship i dont need insurance? like what happens if someone sues an LLC do i just have to close the company down or what?
so let me get all the info straight here. i know this isnt a good idea to some people but alot dont know how im planning it. i dont know im just smart like that i cant explain it but its planned out in a way that i cant possibly lose money unless the tank crashes which really shouldn't happen now because im not dosing anything that could crash it i dont have anything in there that could crash it. im home all the time and my apex emails me if anything happens and if i go away or something i have people that know what there doing living on my block to fix anything. so you are saying if i set this up as an LLC instead of a sole proprietorship i dont need insurance? like what happens if someone sues an LLC do i just have to close the company down or what?

I really don't think someone would be that sensitive to go get a lawyer, file a lawsuit, and sue you over a coral and then pay the lawyer. :spin3:

(Unless of course they have nothing else to do)
I do not understand your reasoning behind ordering customised shirts? all 3 LFS in my area don't even use logo'd uniforms.
i just thought it would be a good and fun way to advertise. like having a shirt for you business. i mainly wanted one just for myself but then some of my friends wanted them to but they paid for it themselves.
I do not understand your reasoning behind ordering customised shirts? all 3 LFS in my area don't even use logo'd uniforms.
so let me get all the info straight here. i know this isnt a good idea to some people but alot dont know how im planning it. i dont know im just smart like that i cant explain it but its planned out in a way that i cant possibly lose money unless the tank crashes which really shouldn't happen now because im not dosing anything that could crash it i dont have anything in there that could crash it. im home all the time and my apex emails me if anything happens and if i go away or something i have people that know what there doing living on my block to fix anything. so you are saying if i set this up as an LLC instead of a sole proprietorship i dont need insurance? like what happens if someone sues an LLC do i just have to close the company down or what?
how are you planning on doing it?
Anthony, a few pieces of advice from someone who currently does some business consulting. Please do not take this the wrong way. I think its great that you want to start up a business but keep these points in mind:

  1. Starting up a business is more then just providing a product it is also providing customer service related to the product you intend to sell. At this time in your life you simply do not possess enough knowledge about caring for and propagating marine organisms to provide excellent, or even sufficient customer service. If you need to make a post on RC every time a customer asks you a question you will quickly lose your customer base.
  2. You are very young and people who intend to make a purchase will view you that way. If you wish to be taken seriously you must represent yourself that way; not only in the way you speak, but in the way you type, and the vocabulary that you use. This even applies to posts you make on forums. Your name is now attached to every post you have made, and an educated customer who uses Google can see all of these posts.
  3. You said you are always home. Are you currently enrolled in High School? If so consider joining a club like DECA or another business related club to help you learn a little bit more about what you want to do.
  4. Be patient, no matter how ingenious you think your start up plan is you are setting yourself up for failure here. Wouldn't you rather learn more about marine organisms now and be successful later rather then just "start big" and fail fast?

Hopefully you will take this information for what it is and not as an insult. Good luck.
thats what im saying its so hard to explain. but ill try. ok so if i have all my licenses and everything i am allowed to get stuff from wholesalers or even better what albano said get it shipped directly in but thats pretty complicated so im not even thinking about that now. but when i get the coral in, it all goes in my tank which obviously can support coral since there some already in there and ive been adding more sensitive stuff for the purpose of making sure it will live before i place a huge order. for now if you look on the website sps is for request only and must be picked up the same day i get it in the mail. so the lps will live im sure of it. then i have the website set up so its all wysiwyg so i post the pics and prices and all checkout is through paypal and then you have the default option for pickup but theres a $25 flat rate shipping for 150 miles away from nyc and $40 for anywhere else. so people order there stuff and come pick it up or i ship it and then the deals over and i make a profit. all because everything will be in my main dt so its not like im paying more for another tank or anything. then i plan to advertise and stuff i already have people that want to buy from me and i have an $800 order ready to go waiting to get everything set up. also i custom build LED lighting. but this is how i plan to do it i just need insurance because my dad wont let me do this without insurance but this llc thing sounds interesting. how does it work and compare to a sole proprietership
how are you planning on doing it?
thats what im saying its so hard to explain. but ill try. ok so if i have all my licenses and everything i am allowed to get stuff from wholesalers or even better what albano said get it shipped directly in but thats pretty complicated so im not even thinking about that now. but when i get the coral in, it all goes in my tank which obviously can support coral since there some already in there and ive been adding more sensitive stuff for the purpose of making sure it will live before i place a huge order. for now if you look on the website sps is for request only and must be picked up the same day i get it in the mail. so the lps will live im sure of it. then i have the website set up so its all wysiwyg so i post the pics and prices and all checkout is through paypal and then you have the default option for pickup but theres a $25 flat rate shipping for 150 miles away from nyc and $40 for anywhere else. so people order there stuff and come pick it up or i ship it and then the deals over and i make a profit. all because everything will be in my main dt so its not like im paying more for another tank or anything. then i plan to advertise and stuff i already have people that want to buy from me and i have an $800 order ready to go waiting to get everything set up. also i custom build LED lighting. but this is how i plan to do it i just need insurance because my dad wont let me do this without insurance but this llc thing sounds interesting. how does it work and compare to a sole proprietership

Pick up a book and read. You are rushing things.
It's hard to type so professional when I'm used to typing to my friends all day, but yes I am enrolled in a collage preparatory high school and plan to become a member of the NY Reef Club in January of 2012. I also figured that every time I see corals for sale they are gone within a matter of minutes. So the vendors I am currently dealing with have WYSIWYG. I will order from there that way I know what I am getting and can sell it to local members and ship it if needed. As long as I keep everything in my personal tank I can't lose money unless something happens to the tank which i highly doubt will at this moment in time.
Anthony, a few pieces of advice from someone who currently does some business consulting. Please do not take this the wrong way. I think its great that you want to start up a business but keep these points in mind:

  1. Starting up a business is more then just providing a product it is also providing customer service related to the product you intend to sell. At this time in your life you simply do not possess enough knowledge about caring for and propagating marine organisms to provide excellent, or even sufficient customer service. If you need to make a post on RC every time a customer asks you a question you will quickly lose your customer base.
  2. You are very young and people who intend to make a purchase will view you that way. If you wish to be taken seriously you must represent yourself that way; not only in the way you speak, but in the way you type, and the vocabulary that you use. This even applies to posts you make on forums. Your name is now attached to every post you have made, and an educated customer who uses Google can see all of these posts.
  3. You said you are always home. Are you currently enrolled in High School? If so consider joining a club like DECA or another business related club to help you learn a little bit more about what you want to do.
  4. Be patient, no matter how ingenious you think your start up plan is you are setting yourself up for failure here. Wouldn't you rather learn more about marine organisms now and be successful later rather then just "start big" and fail fast?

Hopefully you will take this information for what it is and not as an insult. Good luck.
thats what im saying its so hard to explain. but ill try. ok so if i have all my licenses and everything i am allowed to get stuff from wholesalers or even better what albano said get it shipped directly in but thats pretty complicated so im not even thinking about that now. but when i get the coral in, it all goes in my tank which obviously can support coral since there some already in there and ive been adding more sensitive stuff for the purpose of making sure it will live before i place a huge order.

What about dipping procedures and QTing the coral for your customers?

for now if you look on the website sps is for request only and must be picked up the same day i get it in the mail. so the lps will live im sure of it.

Have you accounted for losses in stock you buy from the wholesalers? Not everything you buy is healthy, especially if you're not there in person to cherry pick it.

then i have the website set up so its all wysiwyg so i post the pics and prices and all checkout is through paypal and then you have the default option for pickup but theres a $25 flat rate shipping for 150 miles away from nyc and $40 for anywhere else. so people order there stuff and come pick it up or i ship it and then the deals over and i make a profit.

You'll make a profit -- until you account for people claiming DOAs in the shipments you send them.

all because everything will be in my main dt so its not like im paying more for another tank or anything.

Again, this begs the question: What about dipping and QT tanks?

then i plan to advertise and stuff i already have people that want to buy from me and i have an $800 order ready to go waiting to get everything set up.

Many people, including myself, like WYSIWYG items. This means you have to place the order prior to people paying you for it. And then if the corals don't arrive with good coloration/size, you will lose sales.[/quote]

also i custom build LED lighting.

To sell? Or for your own tanks? You can't build DIY and expect to make a decent profit off of it. Why? Customer service, guarantees, repairs, etc...

but this is how i plan to do it i just need insurance because my dad wont let me do this without insurance but this llc thing sounds interesting. how does it work and compare to a sole proprietership

I'd read/re-read and carefully consider prior advice in this thread -- look at SkullV's post. :)
Anthony, i stand by my original suggestion. Get a few hardy corals and grow them, clip them and sell them on craigs list locally. Your plan does not sound like it will end well, especially as far as the sps vorals go. Just to point out the first problem, in an earlier post you said your tank cant crash because you dont dose anything. I assure you, if you load your tank up as a holding tank to sell coral, you will need to dose.
I will dose but i will do it properly using the proper equipment as well as quality chemicals.
Anthony, i stand by my original suggestion. Get a few hardy corals and grow them, clip them and sell them on craigs list locally. Your plan does not sound like it will end well, especially as far as the sps vorals go. Just to point out the first problem, in an earlier post you said your tank cant crash because you dont dose anything. I assure you, if you load your tank up as a holding tank to sell coral, you will need to dose.
It's hard to type so professional when I'm used to typing to my friends all day, but yes I am enrolled in a collage preparatory high school and plan to become a member of the NY Reef Club in January of 2012. I also figured that every time I see corals for sale they are gone within a matter of minutes. So the vendors I am currently dealing with have WYSIWYG. I will order from there that way I know what I am getting and can sell it to local members and ship it if needed. As long as I keep everything in my personal tank I can't lose money unless something happens to the tank which i highly doubt will at this moment in time.

You completely missed the point of this post. You do not know enough about coral to sell coral. PERIOD. This thread of yours is a perfect example:

but you also have many threads in the last few months about killing fish, adding copper to a reef tank, and other topics which are best suited for the New To The Hobby section of this forum.

Again, slow down. You are simply not ready for a business venture of this type. Where are you getting your capital from? How long do you think your dad is going to cover your losses before he cuts you off? Are you aware that most business go into pure debt for the first few years that they are in business before even breaking even?

I will dose but i will do it properly using the proper equipment as well as quality chemicals.

Do you know the proper equipment or chemicals? Do you know the procedure for dosing? If the answer to either of these questions is no then you should reconsider. The other posters on this forum and I are trying to save you a LOT of money and hardship here. Hopefully you choose to listen.
DOA from wholesalers can just be claimed. All corals will be dipped using coral RX before entering my tank that way my tank stays parasite free and the customer will receive a parasite free specimen. DOA shipments for customers will not happen unless not packaged properly by me, so I will make sure I do that. As for LEDS I built them for my own tank, built them for a fish store and currently working on 2 more customers LEDS profiting about $800 - $1000 per build. and I would say i offer good customer service. The other day a client of mine told me that the LEDS were to dim and i explained to him that this is the level the care sheet recommends and this will reduce the life of the LED and potentially burn them out, but he insisted on just ramping them up a little so i did and to keep my good reputation i put them higher brightness, suggested more advanced cooling and the advice was taken, and put it on a master control so just incase the drivers tend to jump above the high level already it cannot go above a burnout LED level. so I think I'm already supplying good customer service for LEDS.
What about dipping procedures and QTing the coral for your customers?

Have you accounted for losses in stock you buy from the wholesalers? Not everything you buy is healthy, especially if you're not there in person to cherry pick it.

You'll make a profit -- until you account for people claiming DOAs in the shipments you send them.

Again, this begs the question: What about dipping and QT tanks?

Many people, including myself, like WYSIWYG items. This means you have to place the order prior to people paying you for it. And then if the corals don't arrive with good coloration/size, you will lose sales.

To sell? Or for your own tanks? You can't build DIY and expect to make a decent profit off of it. Why? Customer service, guarantees, repairs, etc...

I'd read/re-read and carefully consider prior advice in this thread -- look at SkullV's post. :)[/QUOTE]
why would reef central care if he sold some frags locally?
where did he say locally? He has shipping rates for over 150 miles! You really think he'll set up a business and NOT try to sell on RC...
people are retarded these days. they will do anything for money
Use of that word, alone...PROVES that you are nowhere near ready to be in business or deal with people.

Pick up a book and read. You are rushing things.
+1 million!
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