Lemonpeel Angel question


New member
Hey guys,

I just bought a lemonpeel angel yesterday from the LFS that got it from Liveaqaria.com. I acclimated him the exact way the LFS told me and I put him in. As soon as I released him he was swimmin around and looked really good and pickin at my live rock.

Today I tried to feed him and all he was doing was swimming back and forth in the front of my tank and wouldnt eat anything.

I figure im just paranoid but this is the best looking fish I've owned thus far and I dont want to screw anything up lol. Should there be any concern for his behavoir yet?

I did a water check of everything before putting him in and everything was just right on that end.

Thanks anything would help
Look up foods that those fish really like and he might start eating. You need to give it a few days before you should really worry. He has to get used to his new home.
lemonpeels are not as typically easy as a flame or coral beauty to keep, but I wouldn't sweat one day, your tank is still new to it, as long as no other fish is picking at it, causing more stress, it should be fine. One trick i've learned over the years is that almost all fish will eat live brine shrimp, so if it doesn't start to eat over the next few days, try that & good luck.
Thank you for the responses, the only fish that I have in there currently is a lawnmower blenny and he keeps to himself.

I did try feeding him live brine shrimp, if he doesn't eat again tonite, I will try to mix in some garlic for him.

And your right he is new to the tank so he is probably just getting used to the new setting :) Thanks again
What size tank?
How long has it been set up?
How much live rock?

I wouldn't be too concerned until Monday -- assuming that it is breathing is somewhat normal, and that it doesn't have any white stringy waste.

And way off topic...
