Do I need a refuge?


New member
I have carbon and GFO running in reactors and was wondering if I should use a refuge with macro algae. My cheato looks to be dying after I added GFO. I also have live rock which is good for pods but is it worth keeping in my sump? My sump is kinda cramped and would be nice to free up room.
my chaeto stopped growing and died a little when I first started GFO and +/-carbon.

Now after 2 months, it started growing again. I don't know.

I think if you have issue with nuisance algae, keep it. if not, don't. but you might have to go back to it if the algae pops up.
You don't really need a refugium if you don't want one. It's just a matter of preference and what you are trying to accomplish.
they are great way to export excess nutrients like nitrates and phosphates - I know you have a reactor for phosphates but what are you doing to control nitrates outside of the skimming?
"Need" is too strong a word. It seems your system is handling nitrates and phosphates fine, if you chaeto is dying and you still do not have an excess of phosphates/nitrates. So, for your case, no, you do not need a refugium.

Here's one thing to consider, though. Why not get rid of the GFO/reactor? A refugium is self sustaing, costs nothing, natural, and if properly done will control your nitrates and phosphates without need for GFO/reactor. A refugium can also grow pods and other critters that can feed yoour fish and coral, again, essentially for free!!
^+1. And you can use it to keep fish in as well. Like when trying to get rid of/sell a fish you don't want anymore.