Anyone know a mike he's on this site too

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Hi all reefers wasnwondering if anyone knows mike peronally. He lives in San leandro, ca have his number too don't think I can post it. Here is what happened. He bought a 180 gallon from me around 9 months ago and said He would make payments on it so I was fine with that we agreed on 200 a months he haven't pay anything and when I called him he said money tight cuz he just got out of hospital and had to pay for medical bill so ok I'm fine with that than he told me he can give me 400 and when I call him he told me he's in tahoe ok fine and when he got bak he said he will give to me but no time to come to San Jose to drop it off so wanted me to go San leandro that's fine too and when I called Jim when I was in San leandro he told me he's still in tahoe and last time talked to him he said he will pay me everything on Monday the 11th which was yesterday I tried calling and texting him and he's not responding. So... If anyone knows h and can get a hold of him please let me know
I don't know him but lesson learned for future never let anybody leave with your Property till its paid in full. Especially if you don't know them. Next time take the money as payments and let them have it when plaid. If they really want it they will do it. Good luck hope he pays you.
So why can't you post it? Wonder if it's the same mike I chatted on Craigslist. Seemed a bit odd when he wanted to be my "connection" for all things reefing...
Well if u need his number, I have it somewhere. This is guy who had a 60-80 gal acrylic tank with 3x2 footprint that he tried to "glue" a false liverock back wall to.

"mike in san leandro"... Of course there could be lots of them...
So why can't you post it? Wonder if it's the same mike I chatted on Craigslist. Seemed a bit odd when he wanted to be my "connection" for all things reefing...
Well if u need his number, I have it somewhere. This is guy who had a 60-80 gal acrylic tank with 3x2 footprint that he tried to "glue" a false liverock back wall to.

"mike in san leandro"... Of course there could be lots of them...

His number is [Removed]
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Yup same guy. Kept saying he sent me pictures via text and/or email and never got them. Dragged out the time I spent trying to figure out if his tank would work for me. Last minute he told me he gave it to his half brother.

Ended up being a waste of my time.
Sorry to hear that. I liked to think that reefing is a hobby with good people. People that like finer things in life. Not people that prey on the honest. Good luck getting what is owed. If he has a screen name on reef central, please post it.
Yeah apart of enjoying how my tank looks, I enjoy the people I meet along the way in this hobby, people have invited me in to their houses to see what they have created, I would never take advantage of some one, it sucks to know some people do... Good luck getting your money.
yeah, that's the one who's selling the 80g with false rocks glue. He only text and call but when it comes to meet he never showed.... He told me that had cancer at one point.
Yeah, he said he really needed money and that he wanted to sell it... Sounded like he had connections to try to help people get stuff... Including the Kessils, so he claimed. I wasn't looking for them last few weeks, so didn't inquire more.

Hopefully he speaks up to clear the air of any misunderstandings.

I know on May 24, he seemed to be in San Leandro as he asked me to come by to pickup tank... But it was like 10pm and I couldn't.
thats the stand and canopy tat i sold him it also had a tank skimmer and i even gave him the 36 x 24 x 20 for free too and few other stuff and the address he gave me tat he said is his address doesnt really help since its an apartment complex
why not just call the police or something.....hopefully you had everything in writing...

cuz its 800 bucks calling the police wont do crap beside they will look at me thinking im retarded lol and beside dont want to get cops involve in anything yet still goin to give him a few more days in case if he was tooo busy to answer phone text or call
Sorry to hear that. I liked to think that reefing is a hobby with good people. People that like finer things in life. Not people that prey on the honest. Good luck getting what is owed. If he has a screen name on reef central, please post it.

i know he has a screen name on reefcentral and he also said he has a buddy tats on reef central too think he told me his buddy is a chef and his name is chefshogun or something like tat
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