the guys from tanked and petco are joining forces

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rating rule because we let them. just change the channel and they will start to lose, but i want to go a step above that and get it taken off the air

The masses will make that decision, not one individual. If others enjoy the show, so be it. This is still the USA, and we still enjoy individual freedoms, regardless of what others try to make us into.
Tanked did an episode with a company right up the street from my house. I stopped to take a peek at the tanks and they were all drained! I have no idea where the fish went but I think they just do it for the show. Seems crazy to add that many fish so soon and not have major ammonia issues. I do like the show though.
I am no pro but I have kept salt water tanks since the early 1990's FO and FOWLR untill I found RC I was in the dark ages as far as filtration. Now working on my first reef setup. I digress, I have only seen about 4 episodes and I think the ATM guys are good at the custom tank design thing. If I could afford it they would build my dream tank and go above and beyond my wildest dream. That being said, I am not a millionare so just dream on. we do not see all of the behind the sceens on set up but I am sure they have some kind of realy good filter setup and what you see on tv could in theory be done if it was more like an exsisting tank move. with fully cycled water sand and bio filtration simply being setup in a mew location. they may come back every day and do a 50% WC for the customer for all we know. and with extensive maintanence you could likely get away with overstocking. all speculation though. the peopleon thisshow that ATM builds theese tanks for are more well off than most of us could imagin they can afford any maint schedule required because it just chup change to them. I jelous but see no need to hate. good for them they dont have to spend time diying ATS and LED builds and such. as far as specie compatability maybe they dose xanex, something I think a few posters should look into. it fit a demigraphic, if it did not then it would not be on the air. who here has never ate a tunafish sandwich while sitting on the sofa watching your fishtank wishing you could have a 1000 gallon setup that you had to put scuba gear on to clean the front glass. LIGHTEN UP PEOPLE.
I have never eaten a tunafish sandwitch before. There is something about the thought of chopped tuna and mayo that turns my stomach.

Also I bet many tunafish sandwitches have pickles on them and I cannot figure out why anyone would waste a perfectly good pickle on a sandwitch. I mean if you say no pickle and you are given a pickle it does you no good to remove it because the juice has already soaked into the bread making it taste like it is still there.
i was at petco today they have there own line of additives, they had a huge picture of them and the display of there products !! lol
Interesting discussion.

I'm a fan of 'Tanked' and 'Fish Tank Kings' (tanked with a longer name and an even more annoying person). They are not designed to be educational. They are entertainment. I'm not entertained by the 'acting' but I do enjoy seeing the process of designing and construction.

What do you think the number one goal of 'Tanked' is?

To make money!

I don't believe that is wrong or evil. I don't believe any of the above companies would succeed if they became 'educational'. The process of being educated is work. It's not what the general public wants.

These shows will promote the hobby. This is a good thing. Last time I checked, we weren't a secret society of fish keepers.

I'd like them to add a section about the prices. Last night's 'Tanked' had a quarantine system. They mentioned they had $8,000 to $10,000 in materials & labor in it, tanks only, their cost. I wonder what the final cost to the homeowner was.
There is not one brand of dog food that Walmart sells worth feeding your dogs. If you like your dogs switch stores. Go to
And read a little. You will feel bad for what you have been feeding your beloved friends.

That site is crap. The guy that does the reviews is not a veterinarian,. and some of the foods listed as one star have been developed for very specific medical reasons, and should therefor can not be judged by the same standards. If he makes a simple mistake like that you can not trust his other reviews. Plus, some of the foods he lists as five star (yes Blue Buffolo) have been subject to recalls within the last two years.

I'm sorry ..

ATM means something WAAAY different to me.

When I hear ATM, the LAST thing I think of is my fish tank...
After a ton of research, I feed my pups Flint River Ranch. No recalls, only pure, human quality ingredients. Its not cheap, but I like that you can have it shipped at regular intervals, there are independent dealers around the nation and the pricing is all centrally controlled.

When I switched from Buffalo, my dogs acted like they were getting a bowl of treats. They love the stuff and I notice that I can feed a bit less volume because of the high protein content.
but they are generating the wrong kind of interest. people who don't own an aquarium see this show, not realizing the actual effort it takes to setup and maintain an aquarium properly, and all of the sudden want to get into the hobby. they try to mimic what they see on tv,

I thought so, too, but actually, that is extremely rare according to the owner of the LFS where the ATM Phone Booth Tank is currently on consignment. (It can be yours for only five grand!)

She said that interest has definitely increased in saltwater tanks, but the vast majority of their customers that are provoked by Tanked to get an aquarium ask questions like "What else do you have to do?" or "They don't show everything on TV, right? It's more complicated than that, right?"

The post-Tanked, uniformed "just dump a lot of fish in a new tank" public is extremely small in their experience.
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