Dry Sand?


New member
So I want to remove the fine semi-deep sand bed in my 125gal reef tank. I want to replace it with coarser sand. I thought about going BB but i have a couple pistol shrimps and some beautiful starfish. My question is, what is the easiest way to remove the sand without releasing too much ammonia? Using a shop vac? Also, I read that i should use dry sand now that i am replacing my current live sand. Is this true? And where would i buy Dry Sand here locally?
You may not need to remove all the old sand Leaving some will help seed the new coarse sand with beneficial bacteria. If your lfs doesn't have coarse sand most of the on line vendors have it. My opinion but don't buy sand from an individual or lfs that has it hooked up to their system. This might bring you good bacteria but it might also bring bad stuff like bugs and worms etc
You may not need to remove all the old sand Leaving some will help seed the new coarse sand with beneficial bacteria. If your lfs doesn't have coarse sand most of the on line vendors have it. My opinion but don't buy sand from an individual or lfs that has it hooked up to their system. This might bring you good bacteria but it might also bring bad stuff like bugs and worms etc

Deja vu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Let the games begin!!!! :deadhorse:
I have used Carib sea Florida crushed coral. It has a large grain size of 2-5mm. Should be available locally. Saw it at fosterandsmith on line for $23 for a 40lb bag. Free shipping at $49 order. Remember sand is a personal choice. Some like a specific grain size, some like color like pink or black. However I have used this stuff and I like it. Your welcome to come look. I even have a handful or two unused you could look at. But on a recent thread someone with a green thumb was concerned about the plastic bag going to the landfill? So opinions are cheap
Just like calling wholesaler bought corals aquacultured!!!! The ocean aquacultured them so i can call them that. It's all on a view point.
Thanks for the advice but where would i find this sand? I tried to google it but couldnt find it.

It's actually called Cora Pet :)

I know Coral Reef Farm sells it. I think VIP does as well. If your tank is full, I would only remove a small amount of sand at a time.

Also be prepared for a mini cycle or diatoms on your new sand.