

New member
Do the corals like mushrooms that sells online attached on a live rock or the plastic plugs? If they're attached on small live rock, will those seed my dry rock in time? thanks
I'm planning on buying at least seven pieces to start.
I bought my very first mushrooms yesterday and they are on a rock with plenty of coraline on it too. I would suggest buying it from your LFS if you have one.

Mushrooms are good state corals and easy but they are a pain after the start to spread every were like weeds. After a years or so and after you add other coral you'll wish you never put them in your system. IMO and from experience. Look on they have and show other started corals.
As a beginner I would just start with couple of mushrooms and other softies. I know once I gain experience I will be going all out with proper equipment sps and all. But yeah, i like live aquaria I'll check them out.
Sounds good that coral comes with rocks not plugs and hopefully with coralline on them already.
I got one frag from my local fish store and with it came pineapple sponges, some other kind of sponge and bubble algae.