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Foxface or lawnmower blenny?

Foxface or lawnmower blenny?

Hi steve.

I currently have a 90g tank+100lbs of live rock with the following livestock:

2 clowns
2 purple firefish
3 Kaudern's cardinals

I'm encountering an issue with green/purple hair algae.

Which of the 2 (foxface or lawnmower blenny) would be the most proficient in getting rid of my hair algae?

Dont use fish to get rid of algae

This is an expert thread which is answered by Reef Central Staff only. While we strongly encourage your participation anywhere else on Reef Central, we would appreciate your not answering this thread. Thanks in advance for your cooperation.
Hi steve.

I currently have a 90g tank+100lbs of live rock with the following livestock:

2 clowns
2 purple firefish
3 Kaudern's cardinals

I'm encountering an issue with green/purple hair algae.

Which of the 2 (foxface or lawnmower blenny) would be the most proficient in getting rid of my hair algae?


Fish will not solve a hair algae problem. Only isolating and addressing the nutrient cause will address that which is not a topic appropriate to this thread.
29 gallon Bio Cube

29 gallon Bio Cube

I'm in the process of cycling my new 29 gallon Oceanic Bio Cube. I'm on day 12. When we set it up my girlfriend brought 5 gallons of water from her established tank and we started with that and RO water. All the test are checking out right on target. I have a few live rocks and a few frags in the tank now. Along with a Blue legged hermit crab and 2 red crabs. We put a Chromis in on day 10 and it's alive but hiding.
I plan on adding a Blackcap Jawfish, a Goby, a Flame Hawkfish, a Clownfish, Fox face, Anthias, Dottyback, and in time a Green Mandarin, I'd love a Scotter Blenny. So many fish , so little space :hmm1:
I'm in the process of cycling my new 29 gallon Oceanic Bio Cube. I'm on day 12. When we set it up my girlfriend brought 5 gallons of water from her established tank and we started with that and RO water. All the test are checking out right on target. I have a few live rocks and a few frags in the tank now. Along with a Blue legged hermit crab and 2 red crabs. We put a Chromis in on day 10 and it's alive but hiding.

cycling a tank with fish is bad practice and this particular fish will take bioload from your eventual stocking plan

I plan on adding a Blackcap Jawfish, a Goby, a Flame Hawkfish, a Clownfish, Fox face, Anthias, Dottyback, and in time a Green Mandarin, I'd love a Scotter Blenny. So many fish , so little space :hmm1:

Unfortunately, too many fish, so little space

A foxface will not work in a 29 gallon tank, all dottybacks are aggressive and will severely limit fish you can have as tank mates. A mandarin will require exceptional skill and effort because of its feeding requirements and a scooter blenny (which is a dragonet not a blenny) will compete with a mandarin for copepods. Anthias require a 75 gallon tank for one. Perhaps your LFS is giving you improper advice?
Just want to say thanks in advance for all of the advice over the past few months! But I have a 55 standard fowlr. Running a reef octopus bh90 skimmer and have about 45 lbs LR and 40 lbs LS. Currently all I have for stock is a green clown goby and a small green chromis. I would like to add the following and would reall appreciate in what order.

1 black and white clown
1 bartletts anthias or 1 Female lyretail anthias
1 Lemonpeel dwarf angel
1 salifin Blenny or 1
Just want to say thanks in advance for all of the advice over the past few months! But I have a 55 standard fowlr. Running a reef octopus bh90 skimmer and have about 45 lbs LR and 40 lbs LS. Currently all I have for stock is a green clown goby and a small green chromis. I would like to add the following and would reall appreciate in what order.

1 black and white clown
1 bartletts anthias or 1 Female lyretail anthias
1 Lemonpeel dwarf angel
1 salifin Blenny or 1

Always most aggressive last, most passive first. The dwarf angel should be last. Anthias really need a 75 gallon tank.
Hi, new to salt tanks and am almost done with my fist cycle. Looking to slowly introduce 2 pajama cardinals in about another month to verify my numbers are perfect beforehand. My setup is a 45 gallon corner tank with 50-60lb of live sand and 50lb of live rock. I have 1 240gph power head with another coming, 90w t5 lighting, eheim canister filter (I now people don't like these for salt but its what I have to work with right now) rated for over double my tank size, no protien skimmer yet and in the process of getiing ro/di system so just conditioned tap for now. My wife and I both like the cardinals and know they are peaceful and not very active, which is fine, but we are looking for any suggestions for other peaceful and colorful/pretty fish that will go well with them. Also any suggestions on good clean up crew would be helpful. Not sure about hermits due to other people's experiences and don't have rocks glued so turbo snails not ideal if they push rocks around. I'm up to any ideas or experiences anyone has to share!! Thank you in advance for any input!!
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Hi, new to salt tanks and am almost done with my fist cycle. Looking to slowly introduce 2 pajama cardinals in about another month to verify my numbers are perfect beforehand. My setup is a 45 gallon corner tank with 50-60lb of live sand and 50lb of live rock. I have 1 240gph power head with another coming, 90w t5 lighting, eheim canister filter (I now people don't like these for salt but its what I have to work with right now) rated for over double my tank size, no protien skimmer yet and in the process of getiing ro/di system so just conditioned tap for now. My wife and I both like the cardinals and know they are peaceful and not very active, which is fine, but we are looking for any suggestions for other peaceful and colorful/pretty fish that will go well with them. Also any suggestions on good clean up crew would be helpful. Not sure about hermits due to other people's experiences and don't have rocks glued so turbo snails not ideal if they push rocks around. I'm up to any ideas or experiences anyone has to share!! Thank you in advance for any input!!

The way to verify numbers is through testing rather than using fish. As those who follow this thread know, I do not provide recommendations for a variety of reasons. I am quite happy to evaluate stocking lists for compatibility however.
I test multiple times a week to check my numbers, should've put punctuation for more clarity. I want to introduce the cardinals after another month of testing to make sure my parameters are ok before adding fish. And as far as not recommending fish I can see where that could cause some issues if something were to not work out as someone had hoped so thanks for the input I will try to come up with a list and get back with you.
And as far as not recommending fish I can see where that could cause some issues if something were to not work out as someone had hoped so thanks for the input I will try to come up with a list and get back with you.

Actually my reasons for not recommending are threefold: My taste and budget will not coincide with yours but more importantly I want you to develop the skills of researching fish.
Actually my reasons for not recommending are threefold: My taste and budget will not coincide with yours but more importantly I want you to develop the skills of researching fish.

Do you have any suggestions for sites to research fish? Wikipedia doesnt have the right information and I feel sites like live aquaria are biased in the sense they are a business... That being said there also seem to be overly cautious people on the forums too.

I've suggested lots of fish to you but need to do some more research before I start listing off every cool/beautiful creature I see that would, to a beginner, seem to work in my tank.
Do you have any suggestions for sites to research fish? Wikipedia doesnt have the right information and I feel sites like live aquaria are biased in the sense they are a business... That being said there also seem to be overly cautious people on the forums too.

I've suggested lots of fish to you but need to do some more research before I start listing off every cool/beautiful creature I see that would, to a beginner, seem to work in my tank.

By far the best is Live Aquaria, which, in my opinion has the least conflict of interest of any other vendor. We have, over time, influenced Kevin to upgrade some of his recommendations about tank size but those have been very infrequent. LA is pretty accurate about tank size and feeding regime. What is not feasible for them or any other vendor is behavioral interaction. My general orientation is on the conservative side; I have been doing this a very, very long time and I have found that conservative, and slow change is by far the best. On the other hand, there is no rule that says you have to follow my advice.
By far the best is Live Aquaria, which, in my opinion has the least conflict of interest of any other vendor. We have, over time, influenced Kevin to upgrade some of his recommendations about tank size but those have been very infrequent. LA is pretty accurate about tank size and feeding regime. What is not feasible for them or any other vendor is behavioral interaction. My general orientation is on the conservative side; I have been doing this a very, very long time and I have found that conservative, and slow change is by far the best. On the other hand, there is no rule that says you have to follow my advice.

Thats reassuring that LA is reliable. They do have a basic compatibility chart but as you said that isnt truly the behavioral interaction.

I understand being on the conservative side for sure, and for lots of new people on here I can understand how it would be annoying/shocking being told an eel, nemo, dori, mandarin and a sea horse wont get along together in a 20 gallon tank :lol:. especially after cycling your tank for months. But I don't want to create anymore unnecessary stress for any animals that have to remain in captivity. One idea I have toyed with though is making a peaceful tank then introduce predators and build it up to an aggressive tank. Yeah that would be an expensive couple of meals but we'll see if I'll be able to sacrifice the animals in a couple years time.

Personally, as of now, I don't get distraught when a fish dies unless I really could of prevented it. I feel like an idiot for doing something wrong though, and do feel bad that they could have lived much longer. For instance, I hooked up my homemade sump to soon and the silicon leaked ammonia and killed 3 damsels when my tank was on the last leg of cycling.

back on track:
You mentioned that a skunk shrimp and goby do not have a commensal relationship. They both eat meaty foods right, so wouldnt that be commensal? Or maybe I don't understand the reefers meaning of commensal. Do I need a omnivore for a commensal relationship? What makes a shrimp commensal with the goby? Would camel shrimp fulfill that?
Thats reassuring that LA is reliable. They do have a basic compatibility chart but as you said that isnt truly the behavioral interaction.

I understand being on the conservative side for sure, and for lots of new people on here I can understand how it would be annoying/shocking being told an eel, nemo, dori, mandarin and a sea horse wont get along together in a 20 gallon tank :lol:. especially after cycling your tank for months. But I don't want to create anymore unnecessary stress for any animals that have to remain in captivity. One idea I have toyed with though is making a peaceful tank then introduce predators and build it up to an aggressive tank. Yeah that would be an expensive couple of meals but we'll see if I'll be able to sacrifice the animals in a couple years time.

Personally, as of now, I don't get distraught when a fish dies unless I really could of prevented it. I feel like an idiot for doing something wrong though, and do feel bad that they could have lived much longer. For instance, I hooked up my homemade sump to soon and the silicon leaked ammonia and killed 3 damsels when my tank was on the last leg of cycling.

back on track:
You mentioned that a skunk shrimp and goby do not have a commensal relationship. They both eat meaty foods right, so wouldnt that be commensal? Or maybe I don't understand the reefers meaning of commensal. Do I need a omnivore for a commensal relationship? What makes a shrimp commensal with the goby? Would camel shrimp fulfill that?

I really do not want this thread to become a discussion thread as that is not its intent. Skunk shrimp are "cleaner" shrimp that clean fish (although not of parasites found in aquaria since those are under the skin). Since gobies do not allow cleaning behavior, there is really not mutualism or symbiotic behavior between the two. Mutualism is any relationship between individuals of different species where both individuals benefit. In general, only lifelong interactions involving close physical contact can properly be considered symbiotic. Mutualistic relationships may be either obligate for both species, obligate for one but facultative for the other, or facultative for both. Many biologists restrict the definition of symbiosis to close mutualist relationships. Gobies that pair with pistol shrimp are involved in a obligate mutualistic relationship since pistol shrimp are effectively blind and cannot protect themselves whereas gobies cannot dig burrows.


Hello! I have a 240 sps tank w/ 80gal sump now approx 6 mo old
Current fish are
Vanatu hooded wrasse
red velvet wrasse
Randalls Anthia
Ignitus Anthias 4
Resplendant Anthias 3
Midas Blenny
One Spot Blenny
Two Spot Goby
Yellow Goby
Red Spotted Goby 2
bluegreen chromis
Kole Tang
One Spot Rabbit fish
Achilles Tang

My Achilles is well established for several months now approx 5in Fat and sassy. I'd like to add a Powder Brown and eventually a Hippo and a yellow tang. A tank divider for several days has helped me immensely introducing new fish. I do feed relatively heavily multiple times a day. I use overflow filters, massive over skimming and vinegar to keep the water quality. What do you think?
Hello! I have a 240 sps tank w/ 80gal sump now approx 6 mo old
Current fish are
Vanatu hooded wrasse
red velvet wrasse
Randalls Anthia
Ignitus Anthias 4
Resplendant Anthias 3
Midas Blenny
One Spot Blenny
Two Spot Goby
Yellow Goby
Red Spotted Goby 2
bluegreen chromis
Kole Tang
One Spot Rabbit fish
Achilles Tang

My Achilles is well established for several months now approx 5in Fat and sassy. I'd like to add a Powder Brown and eventually a Hippo and a yellow tang. A tank divider for several days has helped me immensely introducing new fish. I do feed relatively heavily multiple times a day. I use overflow filters, massive over skimming and vinegar to keep the water quality. What do you think?

tough call. If it were me, I would do the powder brown and stop. Possibly the yellow.
Hello I posted this earlier on the Aggressive tank/Fowlr part of the forum, guess I should have posted it here instead.

Possible FOWLR tank:
59.1x19.7x19.7 weighing in at 99.33 gallons.
This tank will be sumpless if I decide to go for it.
It's the first time I've considered SW but I thought it would be easier to build the tank system around the stock to suit their needs.

I planned to stock it with the following fish.
Ocellaris Clownfish 1-2. 2 if I can get ahold of a pair, 1 if not.
Flame angel, Centopogyne loriculus (current stand in). The other Dwarf Angels I've looked at are Bicolor and Coral Beauty.
Yellow tang, Zebrasoma flavescens OR Tomini Tang, Ctenochaetus tominiensis. ONE of these not both.

Does this look like a good stock with a good HOB skimmer?
Could I add some sort of Goby or Wrasse to this setup?
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