Anemone help

It seems to have moved about 2 inchs the tentacles are out a little farther. they seem to look a little clear.
Don't move it. It sounds like it's starting to settle into the environment. Once it settles in some more it will start to wander around looking for a spot where it feels comfortable.
Anemones are tougher than most people give them credit for. It's not abnormal for a transplanted anemone to shrivel and expel zooxanthellae. Acclimation can be tough but if there are no tears and the mouth is closed I wouldn't give up on him yet. Do your research for your species. I found my tank was at the top end of the temp range for my bleached out sebae and I dropped the temp 3 degrees. He colored back up and was fine although he seems to have an annual "shrivel up" period that he goes through. If he stays attached to the rock and starts to come around a little bit you can try feeding a little piece of shrimp or squid. Make sure it's super small to start though. He'll color back up and you'll be fine. If you start to see a tear in the foot and it starts to expand you'll want to get him out. I've never seen a newly acclimated anemone recover if the tear gets worse before it gets better.
So I checked my parameters and I had a little ammonia and nitrite!!@#! I think its because one of my fish died and wedged himself under a rock. I got the fish out and did a 25% water change.
Here is an update on my anemone. It looks like its pulling through.:fun2:


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how is your anemone? I just had mine experience what yours did. I've had mine for 3 days. It was doing perfectly fine until i got home today. This morning it was doing just fine.
I've got an RBTA I've had for a few months... Mine took almost 2 months to figure out a spot that he liked and is Doin great. In that two months he was miserable turned colors shriveled up expelled stuff but give it time. mines only about the size of a quarter.
Mine went through all these same stages! Wish I saw this thread earlier...I think it will be fine, can take them AWHILE to get used to your tank's specific lighting and flow. Like another poster (and I think you) stated, they are pretty hardy and not as complicated as some make them out to be. Good luck anemones are really fun and rewarding.
My anemone pulled through and is now flourishing he's almost doubled in size. He's moved to a new spot, I don't really like it but it's a better spot then before he's moved closer to light and more flow now. I feel as though he is still trying to get used to his surroundings so I wont try to move it.
Nice to hear .... Mine is doing just great .. Once I got home I checked on it again and it has moved.... It's my first anemone so I freak out lol