Led vs metal halides which grows corals faster ?

Joe the painter

New member
I just bought a 220 and I'm now trying to figure out wether to buy a led set up or metal halides. I would like to do a sps with some lps corals, but predominantly sps. The tank is 30 high 24 wide so my question is will led grow corals at the same rate metal halides will and survive past a year. I have not found any info on this. I like the led concept low heat low wattage programmable colors etc but is it worth it ?? I have been out of the hobby for 6 years and so much has changed just trying to catch up thanks for any info.
How long is your tank? They just came out with the wide angle lenses that will help with overall spread.
I have seen the AI on YouTube they look nice but I want to make a trip to see them in person. I've seen the ecotech and they are nice just don't understand why everyone turns them down to 50% which they say is because they don't want to burn the corals, but correct me if I'm wrong but when you turn them down that's reducing the par that all sps need?
Get the most expensive unit(s) you can find, I am told they are the best, not.

I hope you do not base your decision on a few Reef Central threads. Do your homework and physically see the unit in action before you purchase.
I have seen the AI on YouTube they look nice but I want to make a trip to see them in person. I've seen the ecotech and they are nice just don't understand why everyone turns them down to 50% which they say is because they don't want to burn the corals, but correct me if I'm wrong but when you turn them down that's reducing the par that all sps need?
PAR doesn't really work the same with LEDs.
This is why people have seriously underestimated the power of their fixtures and burned the coral. Get them and you'll understand. ;)
BTW, it's not just about PAR.

I just ordered it 72 long
Yeah, you'll need three.
$749 each plus a hanging kit.
You might be able to get away with two mitras... I'm not familiar much with those though. I think there is a "Mitras Club" thread in the lighting forum.
Get the most expensive unit(s) you can find, I am told they are the best, not.

I hope you do not base your decision on a few Reef Central threads. Do your homework and physically see the unit in action before you purchase.

And for an off the shelf unit, these two are generally regarded as the best for quality, spectrum, par, features, and customer service combined.

If you are a DIY kinda guy, there is always that route.
Or if any of those qualities are not important to you, you might be able to find another fixture that suites you better.
Just try to find tanks that have had the fixture over their tank long term.
I'm not basing my decision on a few threads talked to a lot of people who own both led and metal and it's a hard decision for me when your spending that much money I can get 3ballest 4oo lumantek and three bulbs for 630. I already have 2 VHO atinics 72 long. I just want my tank to grow and be healthy and I know lighting is a big part of that.
No reason to go LED if you are ok with the heat, energy usage and bulb replacements of MH. It's a proven technology, the light looks fantastic and the corals love it.
you could always go for the cheaper LED fixtures like reef breeders, they run about 150 each, a couple of local LFS use them on their displays, and they look great. I don't know of anyone that has their LEDs on 100%. Most people run around 50%
yeah like "d2mini" said.. go with MH's that is what I am using.
2 14000k 150 watt MH, 4 t5 bulbs. That set up will grow anything you want
I was thinking of going w 400 watt 10000k x 3 plus 2 160watt vho or 3 radion it's a debate I have not come to terms yet of which one to choose
I think you might be dissapointed with the colors with a 10000k bulb..14000 or 20000 k bulbs are much nicer looking, though looks are subjective..