Whose is bigger



This is a true showpiece Hollywood stunner chalice about 20" by 28" and 20" tall. I bought this chalice at 3" diameter about 3 yrs ago and it is my treasure . It started off in a 90 gal and barely fit thru eurobrace opening to be placed in a 150. I destroyed the 150 gal acrylic tall tank to get it out of it (cut the entire eurobrace) when I moved and I bought a beautiful 200 gal deep dimensions from latinreefer just to house it. When I moved I had to buy the biggest tote I could find just to fit for transfer . some of it broke off which bothered the hell out me but what can u do. I'm sure it will continue to grow in this deep tank and one day when I move again I probably will get a bigger tank... All this just to see how crazy big this thing can get...

Like most men I would like to see whose is bigger

Post pics on the biggest corals that u have
That's an awesome chalice! What kind of lighting ? That's an beautiful size tank as well, you can't beat that 36" depth, aquascape is endless.
2 400w metal halides pfo hqi ballast ... I'll never own any thing but a deep dimension tank as long as I can help it. I love it
This is not mine but at a LFS in Colorado. Its the largest coral I have seen in captivity. Its a wall hammer. The tank is 4ft wide by 3ft wide by 2.5" tall. They said they frag it slightly every year with an angle grinder. It is over 100lbs. It started as a baseball size piece 17 years ago.

Here is mine. I just broke of three good size pieces about a week ago if any one wants one $10.

This is the biggest colony I have. Golden birds nest.
