130 X 36 x 36 inbound...any suggestions?

Great pics
really like the jocs
can you give us a complete list of your fish with size

thanks, they are great fish..
I will try and get a list of the fish up later but will be focused on acclimating the tiger and Colins, will grab a few pics of them too...
but if you look at my pics it is pretty easy to see what is in the dt...just count the regal and 2 small jocs...
without sizes, the fish in dt are:
2 clarion
2 male ch trigs
2 interrupta
2 joc
3 bandits
1 red sea regal
1 goldflake
1 cortez
1 venustus
I think he has 5 candy basslets, 2 clarions, 2 lemon peels, and a few others. Just so many amazing fish
Why is your interruptus so orange?
Is it because it is paired with a male or because its colors changed during courtship?
Hey Ted, I understand QM had received one baby clarion and one baby maze from Wen recently. Any chance of one of these ending up in your tank?
Why is your interruptus so orange?
Is it because it is paired with a male or because its colors changed during courtship?

yeah, they are a pair and these long winter days have both their colors dialed way back...this is their "off-season" coloration..
not swissgaurds but CANDIES!

yeah...in the smaller qt are:
5 candies.
2 clarion
2 bicolor
2 coral beauty
2 lemon peel

bigger qt
2 cocos lemon
1 lemon
1 navarchus
1 black cap
1 multicolor
1 tigerpyge
1 joc
1 golden

the Colins should be here late this week...
Hey Ted, I understand QM had received one baby clarion and one baby maze from Wen recently. Any chance of one of these ending up in your tank?

hey there.

no...I would like a tb Clarion one day but have 4 right now...
maze are beautiful fish but have never been on my radar...although, ironically enough, today wen posted a pic of a very small maze with the blue already showing...is just a beautiful pic...I will try to remember to share it in here...that particular fish was sold and on its way to the airport but that individual fish made me wonder...
the dt today...amazing how much some of the angels love having their pics taken...the bandits and clarion will always swim in front of the lens...

pretty pic of the three...

venustus on the run...


she does this all the time...