Anemone Help


New member
I purchased a long tentacle anemone a week ago today. It has been doing great and eating well. Last night I noticed his tentacles were drooping down and not up in the water like they usually are. This morning he was shriveled up with barely any tentacles showing. I am not going to be home all day, should it stay in the tank or should I remove it?
If the anemone is still attached, I would do a wait and watch.
What have you been feeding the anemone?
Posting an images helps immensely.
All water parameters are within normal ranges. Tank is 55 gallons and it is the only anemone in the tank. Tank has 2 clowns that do not go into the anemone. See pics below. It has come back out but still looks to have "drooping" tentacles.


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That anemone looks fine. However, it is not a LTA but a Condy Anemone (Condylactis gigantea) which is an Atlantic anemone species
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That anemone looks fine. However, it is not a LTA but a Condy Anemone (Condylactis gigantea) which is an Atlantic anemone species

How do you tell the difference? When purchased, I was told it was a LTA and told it would host the clowns.
look at the anemone FAQ at the begin of theis forum and look at pictures of the LTA. They ave very prominent veracuae on the column which your anemone lack.
Also, LTA's prefer sand over rock as an anchor point. You may want to bring this up with the LFS depending on what you bought it for. They may have over charged you. For future purchases I would research what you are wanting to buy so you dont have this issue again.
As mentioned that is not LTA.
But with oce/percula the chance of associating with LTA is not very high.
Things seem to be okay for the anemone now, but it is spending a lot of its time sucked down. I will attach a picture. It seems like it comes out over night or early in the morning. Could the lighting be too strong for it or could I have too much water movement for it? Lighting is AI Hydra with setting scaled way back and water movement is filter, HOB Skimmer and (2) 600GPH power heads in a 55 gallon tank.


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