Hecteractis Magnifica Propagation

Yes, the Gigantea's were still fully inflated and looking great today. This leads me to believe that the gigs are more tolerant to whatever was introduced into the tank, but why?

Why would the Mags get infected and gigs have no problems?

I'm not understanding that. Maybe because the mags were more stressed and weak at fighting off the bacteria.

Actually that couldn't be right because that one in the pic above was looking great the day before he went down. It's definitely some kind of bug that mags can catch and pass around.
Response to treatment or not depends on the bacterial not the anemone. Pathogen in natures tends to be species specific. Bird flu or swine flu are virus that normal does not normally infect human. They have to mutate or change to crossover and infect human. Bacterial infection are less specific but still maybe somewhat species specific.
It is likely that for the strain of bacterial that infect the Mags in your tank are less infectious to the Gig.
Infected Gig tend to pass their infection to other Gig and infected Mag tend to pass their infection to other Mag.

There are likely multiple species of bacterial that infect these anemones. How effective are the various antibiotic depends on the the specific bacterial. All Antibiotic have different spectrum of activity. We do not have the data on the Anemone pathogens, so which antibiotic to use is just guess. IMO, for me, it not quite a shot in the dark but still is far from exact science.
Response to treatment or not depends on the bacterial not the anemone. Pathogen in natures tends to be species specific. Bird flu or swine flu are virus that normal does not normally infect human. They have to mutate or change to crossover and infect human. Bacterial infection are less specific but still maybe somewhat species specific.
It is likely that for the strain of bacterial that infect the Mags in your tank are less infectious to the Gig.
Infected Gig tend to pass their infection to other Gig and infected Mag tend to pass their infection to other Mag.

There are likely multiple species of bacterial that infect these anemones. How effective are the various antibiotic depends on the the specific bacterial. All Antibiotic have different spectrum of activity. We do not have the data on the Anemone pathogens, so which antibiotic to use is just guess. IMO, for me, it not quite a shot in the dark but still is far from exact science.

I sure believe that! Those Gig's weren't even phased.

Has to be species specific. I'm just about ready to bring one of these mags over to my lab friends. How and where would be the best place to get a culture?
I just wanted it to be noted that they were indeed eating in the first week post propagation, and still are now on day 11 even after being sick and treated in HT.

I just wanted it to be noted that they were indeed eating in the first week post propagation

Duly noted and let the records show that they were eating in the first week post propagation. :celeb2:

Joking aside, I love keeping up with your posts and as a newbie to this your passion for nems is very evident and quite infectious. Keep them coming
Lol...I got to keep the documentation coming, that way I can look back at it 2 years from now.

For real though, it's good to document. Helps everybody.
Right? It's nice to keep a journal to reference.

Got to keep a record bro. Otherwise, I'll forget. If you guys decide to frag one, I expect documentation from you as well. It's not everyday that a mag or gig is fragged. I'm fixing to try a gig. I think it can be done if the animal is well fed, established, and in good health. I'll document that too, but won't bore you guys with another thread. I'll just post the whole thing from day one after it's been 3 months.

in accordance with what is required or appropriate; following proper procedure or arrangement.
"a document duly signed and authorized by the inspector"
synonyms: properly, correctly, appropriately, suitably, fittingly..
Just to add Jared, what I respect most about your posts is that you give give the unfiltered version - if you make a mistake you come right out and say it. We don't get some sort of rose tinted version of events where we only hear the good news stories. So refreshing and reminds us all that there are speed bumps for even the best drivers!
Just to add Jared, what I respect most about your posts is that you give give the unfiltered version - if you make a mistake you come right out and say it. We don't get some sort of rose tinted version of events where we only hear the good news stories. So refreshing and reminds us all that there are speed bumps for even the best drivers!

I want to provide accurate documentation. If I make a mistake or the NEM doesn't respond to treatment, I'll just be honest and tell you guys. Yes it sucks, but I'm hoping to see some patterns from all of our documentation. We can all learn together.

I don't have anywhere near the experience as some on here, but I do enjoy taking care of, watching, and learning about Magnifica's & Gigantea's. I have kept and treated quite a few Magnifica. Still trying to figure them out. I love these two host anemones. I think it's the difficulty involved. I like challenges.

I appreciate the kind words and hope to provide the most accurate information possible to reference later and learn from as we go.

So, is this one of the 4 you recently bought, or is it another one you previously had?
Sorry I lost track on which one is which :)
Oh right! It's a beauty....I am happy for you it recovered without issues.
You need to start giving them names :)