130 X 36 x 36 inbound...any suggestions?

Ted, Its so nice to finally see it all coming together for you.

I like many others have been watching the transformation over the last 15 or so months of your tank, it went from an incredible Trigger display, to an absolutely incredible Angel display.

I would like to give a big thanks for your willingness to share all of the ups and downs, the commentary, and the images of this incredible transformation. It has been, as I'm certain it will continue to be, an enjoyable ride for all whom take the time to admire the journey, and the collection you have amassed...
Completely agree with everyone else, the lemon peels are amazing. Im not brave enough to try one with my corals but its tempting.
Completely agree with everyone else, the lemon peels are amazing. Im not brave enough to try one with my corals but its tempting.

Ditto -- tho I've been thinking of getting back into SPS and bought a 55g at Petco the other day because they were having their dollar/gallon sale with that in mind. It's tempting as I could move any coral or clam into my softy tank.
Ted, Its so nice to finally see it all coming together for you.

I like many others have been watching the transformation over the last 15 or so months of your tank, it went from an incredible Trigger display, to an absolutely incredible Angel display.

I would like to give a big thanks for your willingness to share all of the ups and downs, the commentary, and the images of this incredible transformation. It has been, as I'm certain it will continue to be, an enjoyable ride for all whom take the time to admire the journey, and the collection you have amassed...


The ride continues....2 baby bandits arrive tomorrow...fingers crossed...
Ditto -- tho I've been thinking of getting back into SPS and bought a 55g at Petco the other day because they were having their dollar/gallon sale with that in mind. It's tempting as I could move any coral or clam into my softy tank.


No corals going in...
Bandits and a Conspic on DD yesyerday!
I was soooo tempted on the Conspic but it's big! 7+ inches I believe.

Huma- PM'ed you!

The beauty of this hobby has always been found in the fish and their wonderful and totally distinct personalities. The relationships and bonds that we develop with our fish would probably astonish most people. The complex behavior, distinct and idiosyncratic personalities, and joy that our friends bring us, at least in my world, is most definitely not understood by most of those closet to me. Though, those closet to me appreciate my love/dedication/obsession for this hobby and the wonderful beauty I am fortunate enough to care for. We all develop special relationships with our fish, and every now and then we are lucky enough to have a special relationship with one that "gets it."
In the past 30 years I have kept some very special fish. Lol, have a few now, I can't even talk about. But, I don't, have a relationship like I did with my old friend above. I got this Cortez, as I try to with most fish, as small as possible. About 9 years ago she was a tiny half inch, maybe, stunning baby. It was immediately clear that this fish was lit from within, and was beyond special. I watched her teach my emp and my brazilian queen to clean that massive gh trig, who, btw, also started out life tiny. She taught them to clean the other fish. She then taught the baby carib queen to eat frozen food. The Cortez was the one fish I refused to part with. Over the years I had many offers for her because of her size and personality but really, I think, it was because her personality was just so beautiful. Her physical beauty, to many, could not be compared to just about every other fish in my system. She was not an interrupta, clarion, bandit etc. But, her personality was so wonderfully perfect, that we were all drawn to her.

It is with a tremendous and profoundly deeply unexpected sadness that I have to say I lost her last night. She had been eating less lately and I fear she had an internal obstruction. Perhaps, even old age. Honestly, I don't think she ever got over how her "best friend" the emp turned on her when the emp went adult coloration last year. I have always been far too anthropomorphic with my fish. Her fins never fully healed from those nips and I could never figure out why. They were not severe and should have healed. I read a lot into her possible rationale but as I said, I am too anthropomorphic.
This pic is above but it is the last one I got of my very dear friend.
She is so missed.
I'm very sorry for your loss Ted. I follow your thread but this is my first post . I completely understand. I have some pretty expensive fish in my mixed reef. But I have an Occ. clown that I have had for 13 years. She has moved with me from house to apartment to house. Multiple diferent tanks and has always been a pleasure to watch. If I had to shut down my tank tomorrow I would set up a nano just for her.
I'm very sorry for your loss Ted. I follow your thread but this is my first post . I completely understand. I have some pretty expensive fish in my mixed reef. But I have an Occ. clown that I have had for 13 years. She has moved with me from house to apartment to house. Multiple diferent tanks and has always been a pleasure to watch. If I had to shut down my tank tomorrow I would set up a nano just for her.

Thanks and glad you posted...yup, has nothing to do with expense, all about the connection...continued success with her...
... We all develop special relationships with our fish, and every now and then we are lucky enough to have a special relationship with one that "gets it."

You got that right, Ted... Sorry to hear about your 'old friend'...I'm sure he had a great life at your place!