Cad Lights pipe-less skimmer issues


New member
Anybody here using or have any experience with the CadLights Pipe-less skimmer? I've been running it for more than a week and have had some issues, 1 is that there's is a lot of micro bubbles exiting the base before they even enter the cylinder. There is no pipe so you fluctuate the level in the cylinder by rotating the cylinder and that in turn rotates on the base that the cylinder slides in to. Well this creates 2 issues, 1. it let's out micro bubbles because the two sections aren't sealed and 2. the vibration from the motor causes the cylinder to rotate ever so slightly and that's all you need to happen for it to overflow the collection cup (has happened twice already).

I spoke to Eddie at cadlights and he claims that the microbubbles are a break in issue and the cylinder vibrating resulting in fluctuating skim level can be fixed by changing my salinity level to 1.020!! because my level of 1.024 was too high and is causing my cylinder to float off of the base too much based on density. Well I have no doubts really that this may actually be the case but it's not an option for me to adhere to their request for obvious reasons..I'm requesting that give me a different model skimmer as I see my issues with the pipe-less as a design flaw that won't work itself out.
That's unfortunate but seems to fit a pattern from them over the years. Obviously it is unacceptable to run your salinity that low to overcome their design issues. If it were me I would return the skimmer and go with something else, there are many skimmers on the market that will give you no trouble.
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I haven't had any overflows on mine (yet, I guess) but it doesn't seem to be skimming much at all. I don't know if that's because of a light bio-load right now (two juvenile clowns in a 50g and a few snails) or if it's because the skimmer is poor quality. I figured I would give it some more time and bio-load before I decided whether or not to get rid of it.

FYI, I keep my salinity level at 1.025. Poor excuse and solution from CAD Lights for sure!
I have one of the pipeless skimmers (purchased as part of the Artisan II package), but I haven't set it up yet, so I can't comment on usability issues.

But I can comment on the physics explanation - since the skimmer body is full of air bubbles, the density of the water/bubbles in it is vastly less than seawater (and way less than 1.020), so I wouldn't think adjusting your salinity would do anything. Not, of course, that such a reason would be justification for lowering the salinity.
I haven't had any overflows on mine (yet, I guess) but it doesn't seem to be skimming much at all. I don't know if that's because of a light bio-load right now (two juvenile clowns in a 50g and a few snails) or if it's because the skimmer is poor quality. I figured I would give it some more time and bio-load before I decided whether or not to get rid of it.

FYI, I keep my salinity level at 1.025. Poor excuse and solution from CAD Lights for sure!

Do you have a lot of microbubbles escaping from the base of the skimmer at all? my first chamber in the sump that came with the artisan package (18gallon sump) is full of micro bubbles, can't help but think if they were confined to the cylinder of the skimmer it would work much better.
I'm moving livestock from a 30 rimless/all-in-one to a 40 breeder tank and was thinking about purchasing that skimmer to stick in their. I originally wanted to replicate my 120 build (but on a smaller scale) because I've had such great success with it. However, I found myself wanting to try different equipment out just for something new to play with. After reading reviews about the CAD skimmer, I think I'll pass. Maybe I should and stick with what's worked for me in the past.
Update, Eddie from cadlights offered to ship me out another skimmer of the same model but I refused to take him up on his offer as I see the issues as a design flaw not a faulty skimmer. I opted to upgrade to the TIA model from cad lights where it has the pipe to adjust and it's all one solid piece instead of two sections. We'll see how it all works out...on another issue they sent me out the wrong refugium light so today I received the right one and to my displeasure it didn't work! Cadlights quality control is on a whole other level, youd think after all the complaints they receive about customers not receiving the right product or not receiving it at all they'd fire or hire a QC individual. It's a shame because the tank looks too good to be held down by their customer service.
Do you have a lot of microbubbles escaping from the base of the skimmer at all? my first chamber in the sump that came with the artisan package (18gallon sump) is full of micro bubbles, can't help but think if they were confined to the cylinder of the skimmer it would work much better.

I see you're upgrading but I'll answer your question anyways. I don't seem to have much, if any, micro bubbles escaping the base. I see some micro bubbles in that section of my sump but I honestly can't tell if they're coming from my drain or escaping the skimmer.

I don't know if I was shipped out the wrong refugium light or not but it wouldn't fit across the center section of their sump because of the dividers. My husband had to cut two notches out of the clamp area of the light so it would fit down on the sump over the fuge area.

We had to re-drill most the cabinet holes because so much of the paint or laminate had been dripped down in them. The lack of instructions was frustrating but not life ending.

When I first unboxed my tank there was what I thought a smear of silicone or adhesive on the right side. I figured I'd clean it up after I set the tank up. Unfortunately it was actually a scrape in the glass and everything was set up before I realized that.

Overall it was a disappointing purchase and not one I'll repeat.
Here's a mod to the pipeless that seems to work well. I might try it, but substitute a silicone rubber band instead of the Hoover belt (silicone will last longer in saltwater).

Rachel: You might want to contact CADLights about the tank damage. I've been talking to another member by PM whose 100 gallon from them arrived with two chunks in the glass; they're replacing his tank. They might do the same for yours.
that's one of the best excuses ever lol use it in freshwater LOL haha
we are letting these companies get away with way too much, no other business would allow that lol
I see you're upgrading but I'll answer your question anyways. I don't seem to have much, if any, micro bubbles escaping the base. I see some micro bubbles in that section of my sump but I honestly can't tell if they're coming from my drain or escaping the skimmer.

I don't know if I was shipped out the wrong refugium light or not but it wouldn't fit across the center section of their sump because of the dividers. My husband had to cut two notches out of the clamp area of the light so it would fit down on the sump over the fuge area.

We had to re-drill most the cabinet holes because so much of the paint or laminate had been dripped down in them. The lack of instructions was frustrating but not life ending.

When I first unboxed my tank there was what I thought a smear of silicone or adhesive on the right side. I figured I'd clean it up after I set the tank up. Unfortunately it was actually a scrape in the glass and everything was set up before I realized that.

Overall it was a disappointing purchase and not one I'll repeat.

As far as your refugium light goes yes it is the wrong one they sent you, you have their nano tank light like I do. I did receive the right one yesterday but keeping in with the whole poor QA and poor customer service the light didn't work. I've got the wrong but working light rigged up right now so at least I've got something. Hopefully I get the new skimmer and a working light soon so I don't have to deal with customer service anymore.

My stand had no instruction either which is surprising somewhat since I specifically told Eddie to make sure he sends instructions as I had done some research on their stands and how they're sending them out with no instruction. Probably couldve had it done in half the time.

You really should've contacted them about the scratch though, that's a major no no for their product to be damaged like that upon receipt. Although their QA is bad my experience so far is that they are willing to fix the problems and a tank scratch IMO is a major problem.
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you can use Teflon tape instead of the rubber band. Its also recommended by Cad Lights. Just put 2 or 3 layers of Teflon where the 2 pieces come together.The Teflon stops the skimmers vibration from adjusting the hole size in the Pipe-Less Skimmer. This vibration is what causes most of the water level changing issues. Very easy fix for any DYI level :idea:
This thing is a piece of crap !

The huge amount of micro-bubbles escaping is terrible. I tried using Teflon tape like others have with little help. There is no excuse,.... for the bad engineering from the company.

With Cad Lights recommending member mkj to use silicone tape to fix the situation, that's just a quick bandaid and not a solution !

They had to have seen this problem during the design and trial period.

So, I'll be sending it back and look at more nano skimmers like Reef Octopus and several others.
One their new model works great and two there I a break in period of about a month I had the old model also and after the break in period no micro bubbles left the chamber I never had a problem with any sort of vibration knocking the settings off but it was really easy to knock the setting off while I was working in the sump. The new one with the locking nut has fixed that issue and cadlights I general has come along way over the last year with their customers service and the over all quality of their products so before everyone jump on the their products our crap band Wagon take the time to reevaluate them and still say they are crap.

P.s. i am not affiliated in any way shape or form with cadlights just a fellow reefer that has tried and liked their products and hate when a ton of people brand bash. Every company has screwups and cadlights is fixing theirs
I must have the newer model as it has the red locking knob. I don't believe it has anything to do with vibration's. There's so many bubbles that it's hard to see exactly, where there all coming from, but looks like out of the water drain holes, and in between the two sections.

I've tried everything I can think of to solve the problem. If it was just the break-in period with some bubbles, fine, but there's to many to be just that.

None of us, should have to use Teflon tape or a Hoover vacuum cleaner belt's to fix the situation.

I'm going to call them tomorrow, and if they have no answer, it's going in the garbage. I'll let you know what they have to say.
I thought,....I had updated my post, guess not.

I have a huge apology to Steve and Cad Lights. :love1:

Speaking with them over the phone we fixed the issues, one being I just had the body too low, once we find tuned it, the skimmer works great !
It also broke in after only 5 days. It's a wonderful gunk machine, and look very,....forward to the new "Elite" PLS-50 Nano.
I thought,....I had updated my post, guess not.

I have a huge apology to Steve and Cad Lights. :love1:

Speaking with them over the phone we fixed the issues, one being I just had the body too low, once we find tuned it, the skimmer works great !
It also broke in after only 5 days. It's a wonderful gunk machine, and look very,....forward to the new "Elite" PLS-50 Nano.
You had mentioned your body was to low, are you saying the water was to high and if so were does the water level need to be in relation to the skimmer? Having a huge problem with this skimmer and I was wondering if I had it submersed to deep:(