Omg. Really?

I once had this person [friend of a friend] over ... he was from one of the islands close to Australia ... as soon as he saw my tank he got all ****ed off, yelling at me that to get a little frag ppl ruined his childhood play ground and 100 corals to get one frag ... he got so worked up he left shortly after lol

I turned to other friends and said HAH ! I told u these are alive lol
My best friend is freaked out by my yellow watchman goby and calls him a "creepy little f****r" so I regularly send her pictures and vidoes of him. :D But the aiptasia are pretty. Go figure.
see i dont mind when ppl look at my tank and say nemo or dori.. it draws them into the tank and makes them observe the tank even if its for just those fish. but then eventually they get used to the fish and start gazing at everything else in the tank...

i had a 125g full blown reef set up for well over 8yrs. it was packed with corals. and i would have my closest friends CONSTANTLY ask me. oh is that new, ive never noticed it before...nooooo sir that coral has been there for about 5yrs now lmao..
What's the difference between RC and Facebook? Lets see if someone can guess it:D

Well that's a no brainer, I've always enjoyed this hobby and always will. I love it when the wife says " its his thing" to someone that's visiting. I grin from ear to ear! It takes my mind away from work and the daily grind. She knows it makes me happy and that makes her happy!:p
I'm slowly corrupting my cousin's daughters. The 6 yr old came in with me to feed the fish & loved my helfrichi & watching the brittle star grab food from under the pectinia. She was dying to stick her hand in the tank lol

The 3 yr old looks at fish on DD with me. Start them young I say!
I have a 100 gallon reef full of rainbow acans, a huge Space Invaders Pectinia colony, 12+ Jawbreaker shrooms, Tiger stripe donut coral, Orange hammer, yellow hammer, Gold Torch, Orange Torch, you get the idea. What does my wife gush over? The stupid Emerald Crab!

I have a simple 56G FOWLR and still, my Girlfriend who actually is the reason I initially got any interest in this hobby gushes over the emerald crabs in the tank. Those guys and the scarlet Cleaner shrimp

I hate hearing, "Oh look! A Nemo fish!". WTH, over?

Yea, even with a FOWLR everyone always calls them nemo fish. What's annoying is that when they eventually ask their names, I say I havent named them because i do not know which is male or female yet as they are still pairing. Well.....that just means people name them "Nemo and Nemo 2":facepalm:
Well that's a no brainer, I've always enjoyed this hobby and always will. I love it when the wife says " its his thing" to someone that's visiting. I grin from ear to ear! It takes my mind away from work and the daily grind. She knows it makes me happy and that makes her happy!:p

Happy wife, happy life:beer:
Well that's a no brainer, I've always enjoyed this hobby and always will. I love it when the wife says " its his thing" to someone that's visiting. I grin from ear to ear! It takes my mind away from work and the daily grind. She knows it makes me happy and that makes her happy!:p

Same here, but I'm DTless for now. My temporary thing is replumbing the bathroom and rewiring the house. Well, when the dining room ceiling collapses, you might as well fix all the stuff it was covering up.
Cheers fishy 1!!!!!!

Have to tell this one...... Years ago, I came home from work to the wife and daughter visiting with our grandson, at the time was 4. They had tacobell for lunch. I take time to hug and say hi to the family and give kisses to the wife. At that exact moment I glance at the tank and notice its VERY Cloudy!!!!! I go to the tank and now I'm trying to figure out why. I then look at the sump and to my surprise!!!!! Its a half eating boritto floating in the sump! Later we find out that my grandson said he "Fed the Fishies!!!!"

Many water changes later, everything survived.

I guess the "Fishies" liked spicy food. :bigeyes:
Cheers fishy 1!!!!!!

Have to tell this one...... Years ago, I came home from work to the wife and daughter visiting with our grandson, at the time was 4. They had tacobell for lunch. I take time to hug and say hi to the family and give kisses to the wife. At that exact moment I glance at the tank and notice its VERY Cloudy!!!!! I go to the tank and now I'm trying to figure out why. I then look at the sump and to my surprise!!!!! Its a half eating boritto floating in the sump! Later we find out that my grandson said he "Fed the Fishies!!!!"

Many water changes later, everything survived.

I guess the "Fishies" liked spicy food. :bigeyes:

Hahahaha that is very funny, I bet the fishies really liked spicy food:lol: but its not ideal to feed borittos:lmao: