redtop's Ferduino controller

For moonlight, use led blue 470-480 nm or blue 450nm?

mine are the 450nm but you could probable use either, if I ever get the violet LEDs, I'm gonna try them as moon light too....and I've thought about trying some white to see if I like the effect, the blue isn't really a natural look but the florescence of the coral looks really cool at night time :)

the moon lighting doesn't need to be too bright, 1 LED every couple feet of tank is plenty if you're using the 3w LEDs, I have 1 LED per foot but keep it turned down to about 5% and it's still really bright in my tank at full moon
Question what is the rfm12b for or used for or what will it be used for ?

it's used for the power monitoring system that Fernando uses on his controller, I had links to the equipment he uses but can't find them now, pretty cool addition but I doubt I'll ever implement it into mine...other than the power monitoring, it's not a necessity
I really don't care how much power my tank uses I already know it's around 1.21 jigawatts i think I may need a new flux capacitor soon the one I have now is over heating
I really don't care how much power my tank uses I already know it's around 1.21 jigawatts i think I may need a new flux capacitor soon the one I have now is over heating

LOL the stainless steel body of the DeLorean will eventually rust in saltwater anyway....but it still looks pretty dang cool :D

got the newest Ferduino code running fine can not get the auto find probes to work I think the length is to long I had the same problem with jarduino I tried 3 15 foot temp probes and they did not work till I cut them down to around 10 foot each then all 3 worked after that I believe it is just a distance limitation of the arduino is the problem not the sketch. I will be trying the cut down ones soon
ok I can not get the calibrate probe page to come up
and the temperature probe setup page button Find Probes should find all 3 of my probes and write the hex numbers or what ever they are to the Eeprom for me right ??
I did I went to menu 2 to the temperature button and used it to find temp probes but still didn't work I will have to work on it more tomorrow
Redtop what fan control circuit are you using ?

just like what is used in the Jarduino, I think Fernando used the same circuit too...ignore the Arduino pin numbers in this photo, this is a snippet from Jamie's user manual, the Ferduino uses different pins


I have 1 circuit per fan....I don't have the PWM fans, I just use the circuit to turn the fans on and off with, my fans are dead silent at full speed so slowing them down isn't needed but this circuit starts them out slow and as the LEDs heat up, the fans get faster, I'm not sure why it works like that but I'm OK with it LOL
got the newest Ferduino code running fine can not get the auto find probes to work I think the length is to long I had the same problem with jarduino I tried 3 15 foot temp probes and they did not work till I cut them down to around 10 foot each then all 3 worked after that I believe it is just a distance limitation of the arduino is the problem not the sketch. I will be trying the cut down ones soon

all of mine are around 10 feet long, I would try 1 of them with a shorter lead and see what happens before cutting all of 'em down, if it finds it with the shortened lead, than you'll know that was the issue
here is a 4 circuit fan that would good to use it would let us cool more heat sinks under the hood I will be running 3 large one's and a 4th fan to help move air out would be helpful or even to be able to add another heat sink


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here is what the board looks like power from 12v blue plug on top arduino pins and ground on blue block bottom and 4 white plugs are fans of your choice

this is credited to a friend in the uk camfron


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redtop and rott thoes circuts are the same circuit on my 10 up board top right you will see one uln2803 thoes circuts are whats in a uln2803 ic pretty much