Venustus/Multifasciatus - Marshall sland display


New member
Recently added a Venustus Angel to my Marshall Island themed tank. It's larger than the established Multifasciatus angel already living in the system. I was a bit concerned about potential aggression, but knock on wood, they have been model citizens! At first, they were both afraid of each other! If the accidentally popped up out of the LR face to face, they would both sprint off in opposite directions.
I did abbreviate the quarantine period to 3 weeks. To make up for that, the Venustus received several hour long ParaGuard baths before acclimating to the display.
My concerns for abbreviating the QT were food/eating related and competition with about a dozen other fish in the QT at the time.

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
looking great...

Gris, how do I get that pic and not just the link when posting from youtube?


Venustas aren't found in the marshalls, but one of my favorite angels anyway :)

Thanks. I know. It wasn't collected there as were the other fish. I believe she came in from Philippines!
My curiosity regarding the two Paracentropyge angels living together outweighed the "display theme"
Now it's a West Pacific Display or S.W. Pacific Display.....
I love they way Venustus swim and put themselves I strange positions. Yours looks great!

Yours are looking great too! Yes they take advantage of a complete 360 degrees of maneuverability! It's fun to watch. Loves to pick at everything all day!
Thanks. I know. It wasn't collected there as were the other fish. I believe she came in from Philippines!
My curiosity regarding the two Paracentropyge angels living together outweighed the "display theme"
Now it's a West Pacific Display or S.W. Pacific Display.....

yeah Philippines or...

japan- around izu islands and ryukyu islands

looking killer!
I would assume that those from Japan are used to cooler water temps?
I run the tank around 75 degrees as it is, due to most of the fish being "deep water" species. But when I begin to add corals, other than some Deepwater Pacific Ricordea that I just picked up, I'm going to want to run it a bit warmer.
What's the track record as far as these two angels eating corals? The grazing behavior of the Venustus makes me very suspicious yet the multifasciatus does much less picking ?!

Btw, already added one of the Kessel 15k leds and I'm wondering if I should even add the second one, a 10k.... it's super bright and I haven't switched the glass top out for the screen top yet! That'll only make it brighter....
I have kept the Multi-Bar with Venustus for the last 2 years. Due to a crash it's been with 2 different sets of fish. They don't seem to interact with each other at all. Before the crash I had 1 Venustus with 2 mutibar.

Now I am keeping 2 Venustus with 3 Multibar.

My Multibar seem to do more picking at the corals than the Venustus. But I have yet to seen them pick at a particular coral to do damage, they just to seem to go occasionaly from picking food from the rock to taking a nip at something on a coral and then moving on.

Dave B
Dave- Ive seen the pics of your Multifasciatus and Venustus angels somewhere around here i believe! In the picture, they were on the front right corner of the tank, swimming vertically and at odd angles, all together?
They look fantastic!

Im still working out the normal feeding schedule with the Venustus. Haha, We've been having sitdowns about how he needs to eat when I feed the rest of the fish and he can't just wait until he's hungry. He's putting his foot down that he will only eat when he feels like it!

On a serious note, the entire display is rather "new" and the helfrichis (x2), Earl Fairy, Rhomboid Fairy, and Multifasciatus were all in the tank since its inception. Then a small ORA Gold Nugget was added in an acclimation box, and is still there.
The Venustus was in my QT for several weeks and then put in a week and a half or two weeks ago. Im still trying to get the Ven. to eat from the water column and to do it fast enough that it doesnt miss out. He does love NLS UltraRed 1mm pellets, which he picks at his own pace, off of the bottom. This is also a time related issue as the Fairy Wrasses are super healthy and will eat anything and everything i hit the tank with!
I bought the 'superfeeder' automatic feeder about 2 years ago. And I love it. A few minutes to adjust it initially and now it feeds my tank 5 times a day a mixtures of any type of dry food I combine.

I mix up Freeze Dried Cyclopeeze, Coral Frenzy, Salifert Energy, Sustabinable Hatchery Pellets, Cobalt or OSI Flakes, Formula 1 & 2 Pellets - And any other number of dry foods I got samples of at the last show.

The feeder holds enough to feed my tank for about 10 days. And the fish seem to do much better with the mixed feedings.

The unit is super reliable and I have sold and given about 10 of these away at gifts. I just need to build a sensor so my Apex let's me know when it's empty :)

I have some photos of the Venustus and Mutlibar together but it's an infrequent occurrence. And when it is there is neither interest nor aggression between the fish, they just both happen to be in the same neighborhood.

Dave B
But when I begin to add corals, other than some Deepwater Pacific Ricordea that I just picked up, I'm going to want to run it a bit warmer.
I would leave temp right where you're at to keep fish thriving :) My office display runs 73-74° with many different coral species thriving. I can say that lower temp results in a tad slower growth from some corals, but overall many "LPS" actually seem to prefer the lower temps exhibiting better polyp extension and coloration.

I work with a local aquaculture facility and we run the coral raceways at 76° consistently on all but the hottest of hot days (creeps to 78° at times). Corals grow like weeds!
Dave- my apologies but I believe I was thinking of another members recent pictures. I just looked at your amazing build thread. Quite the journey! Best of luck.
Regarding that superfeeder, could you point me towards a retailer/vendor? It sounds a lot like something I've been looking for. I've been close to using belt-driven autofeeders used in Aquaculture but they can be highly inaccurate sometimes.
Thanks !
Mine is slowly learning to eat from the water column but it's taken a couple months, he's starting to figure out if he doesn't grab the food the wrasses will get it before it hits the floor. Yours looks great along with the rest of your fish!

If you were to put "Super-Feed" into a browser bar and then at the end add a Dot com. I think you could find it as quickly as a Hippo tang can find a sheet of Nori :)

Dave B
Aquaph8- Thanks! The Earlei decided to find the smallest little opening to jump out of near the overflow box U-tube. I wish I had drilled the tank! Luckily he did this at about 10 pm last night while I was sitting right across from the tank and heard the racket! This is the second time he's gone airborne. I was really worried about this more recent jump because he hit the top a few times before getting out and then flopped his way under the stand into a bunch of dust to make things better. Of course my dog heard the commotion and me hitting the floor to get the fish back into the tank ASAP, but he thought it was snack time. All in all the fish was out of water for no more than 20 seconds but super stressed and I feared the worst when I got him back into the tank.
Lo and behold, he was up at dawn and eating as usual! I was so relieved.
He is such a healthy fish it's unbelievable. If he wasn't I don't think it would've survived just the stress of the incident..

Stunreefer- That is great news as most of the reefers i know run their tanks hot! Glad to hear that a somewhat cooler temp can produce good growth.

O2Many- Thank you and I will Check that out shortly, and I know I didn't mention this but the belt feeder or this "super-feeder" is not for this small tank. It's for a much larger system I have in the basement.

The Super-Feeder holds a medium size can of food. But the food storage container can be either trippled in size, or they have a bulk hopper that's about 2 gallon size that fits on top of it. A few years ago I gave one with the hopper to my father for his 3k koi pond and it feeds them for several weeks while he goes on vacation.

Might work for both your applications.

Dave B
2 gallons! That's a whole lot of pellets! Thanks.
I need to start investigating this thing. The apex auto feed modules don't hold enough food for what I need them for. They are good in a pinch but no more than maybe a day.
Thanks again!