can anybody please help me identify my new anemone?


New member
I just bought a little anemone from my LFS that i took a shine to. The guy who served me said he wasnt sure what it is but guesses a beadlet anemone. Im not so sure as look at the beadlet its from british waters? And also my anemone has little balls on the tips of its tentacles which photos of the beadlet dont appear to have. What do you guys think?

Photos wont upload from my phone so just going to use my husbands phone to upload some
man that LFS does not know their stuff.. this is just about the most common type of anemone in reef tanks
I dont think that is a rbta,I have had small ones and they only had 4 or 5 white lines around the mouth.I am not sure what kind it is.
I dont think that is a rbta,I have had small ones and they only had 4 or 5 white lines around the mouth.I am not sure what kind it is.

It's a bubble tip anemone. Coloration rarely has any effect on anemone species, it's all about the characteristics of the anemone.
Color is not what I am going by,every rbta I have seen only has 4 or 5 white lines around the mouth,I agree the color looks like a rbta but the white around the mouth doesn't look like a rbta.I got one now thats about 3'' across and it doesn't look like this one.
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Color is not what I am going by,every rbta I have seen only has 4 or 5 white lines around the mouth,I agree the color looks like a rbta but the white around the mouth doesn't look like a rbta.I got one now thats about 3'' across and it doesn't look like this one.

Oral discs vary across each specimen
Hi guys,
The anemone is roughly an inch maybe smaller if that helps at all. Thanks for trying to help. I too am think rbta but when i google image i cant find any quite like this so am not 100% but im also a beginner so i cant say. Maybe ill just have to let it grow to get a more positive id? Do any of you who arent sure about it being a rbta have any other ideas of what it could be?
Not sure what it is,I have a small 3'' rbta and it looks nothing like that one.Has it put it's foot into a crevice or just sitting on top of rock.
It was just sat on top of rock but its moved round the back now where i cant see it. This pic was taken not long after i put it in the tank and i actually bought it attached to the rock so im notsure where its going to be happiest yet