Stocking advice


New member
Stocking my 280 and want some advice.

I currently have

Doctorfish tang
sailfin tang
blue hippo tang
passer angel
regal angel
majestic angel
2 clowns
2 bluestar wrasses
green pearl reef wrasse
tail spot blenny
Male blue jaw trigger

I'm thinking of adding a female blue jaw, a yellow tang or 2, and 2 or 3 small wrasses.

My stocking to much? Or y'all see something that won't work together
Personally I wouldn't add anymore large fish, but I don't like a crowded tank. Some smaller fish like wrasses, etc should be fine though. Curious what others have to say.
Do you have a pic of the tank? Bet it's beautiful with those angels.
I vote for more small fish; chromis, damsels, cardinals, and wrasses. And throw in a diamond go by if you have a sand bed.
The angels are still in QT. They are so small they will disappear in the tank lol. The biggest one is maybe 2in.

I can easily pass on the big fish. Small ones add lots of movement. I'm thinking some fairy wrasses. I'm trying to keep it semi invert safe.

I'll have to look into the diamond goby, I do have a sand bed for my wrasses to bury in

Frag before adding anyone. Need to buy or borrow a real camera to get good pics