My new BTA


Just added it to my 40br a few days ago. I had it in a clear plastic cup with some rubble so I could acclimate it without my clowns bothering it. This photo is about 20 min after I took it out of the cup and placed it on the rock. This is the first BTA I've ever had that actually bubbles, I hope it keeps them! My onyx clown never noticed it until I put it out on the rocks. It is tank raised, so she is doing touch-and-goes, touching her tail to it as she passes until she gets used to it.

Thanks! Of course within 20 minutes of setting him where I'd like for him to attach, he moves around to the back side of the tank where I can't see him :/
Welcome to RC! If I get another one, I hope it is a nice gigantea like the one in your pic! If that thing splits, or you frag it, I'll ride over and buy it from you!