Identify This Acro


New member
I know, I know...I hate these kind of threads as much as you.
However...I picked up this frag at my LFS store for $5. They had no clue what it was, called it a "trade in is some kind". I thought it might be a Shortcake at 1st glance but now that I can get a closer look, I dont think so. My question is think its more of a stag, tableing or bushy type of acro? Don't care much for fancy names. Just trying to figure out placement and spacing among my other corals.

Thanks reefers,

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Looks like a SScake to me. I have a colony of it. From what my LFS says is it's an Australian species. Once it encrusts a good base is when it really takes off. Very good find.
Its not quite as red as it looks in the photo (cheap P&S cam). Its more a pastel pinkish color. Still a mystery as are so many acros....much depends on what conditions it was grown under. Still hopeful someone can ID.
is 100% a microclados ..but not a SSC..

here are arriving some new patterns of those corals..also reverse SC or red and white tips..