Clownfish endangered and soon to be illegal to own?

I hate to say this but this article is BS written by a person who doesn't know jack about fish. Almost all clownfish bought are captive bred and the basis for making clownfish endangered( I think they mean only ocsellarius clowns becuase these suffered from NEMO) is becuase people think that we don't care about fish. And to think that they try to blame experienced hobbiests who have been keeping clownfish long before FINDING NEMO came out when it's really inexperienced parents who want to buy their children nemo in a bowl. I completely agree with you this article is written by someone who knows nothing of aquariums.
If there's one thing I know its that the EPA will do almost anything to keep our hands off the environment even if it means killing entire industry's. I don't think any true reefer wants the reef's or animals that reside within them to be destroyed or harmed in any way. Besides most clownfish are tank bred now. The way these agency's work is they would rather see every tank bred fish thrown back into the ocean even though it would almost assuredly die.
Here's a better article


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The above article mentions global warming. I thought it was decided that the global warming period was over for about 3-4 years now and now we are in a global cooling period with a possible ice age on the horizon.
The above article mentions global warming. I thought it was decided that the global warming period was over for about 3-4 years now and now we are in a global cooling period with a possible ice age on the horizon.

I think they call it global climate change now? The biggest joke ever except it is costing us billions of dollars
Without getting into it just know global warming is a very real thing. Here is one of a million good examples by Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson and why a year or two of colder weather is completely irrelevant (only a 2 minute video from Carl Sagens recent continuation of the cosmos done by Neil entitled 'weather versus climate change') .

As far as the clownfish, I think this is something that needs to be monitored, looking around on the internet there is all sorts of stuff out on this.
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could you imagine how much good a few degrees warmer would be for our reefs, the coral could move into zones that are currently too cold, the entire mediterranean sea could support coral! I'm all for it!!! Pump out those CO2 emissions.

In case you are wondering don't take this post too seriously.
In case you are wondering don't take this post too seriously.

I hope you're right, a guy that owns a very popular LFS near me who is also invested in breeding clowns is far from agreeing with you on that. And looking around on the internet says this could definitely happen. Again, I hope you are right.

Here is a google news search of all the recent articles so you can judge whos credible and whos not but they all hint at the same thing
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I don't understand why it would concern the hobby...aren't all or at least most the clowns we keep tank bred? There is an article on circulating around dealing with possibly listing percula clowns as endangered. I've only ever found tank bred, not wild collected percs, as well as other species.
I don't understand why it would concern the hobby...aren't all or at least most the clowns we keep tank bred? There is an article on circulating around dealing with possibly listing percula clowns as endangered. I've only ever found tank bred, not wild collected percs, as well as other species.

Once an animal is on the endangered species list, it does not matter where it comes from: wild or captive, it becomes illegal to own the animal.
Hey if any of those articles are legit you might want to buy your clown fish now because if you bought them while it was legal to buy them they can't take them away just like the recent gun acts that said you can't buy assault rifles once they were passed you couldn't buy them anymore but if you bought them the day before then your in the clear
Hey if any of those articles are legit you might want to buy your clown fish now because if you bought them while it was legal to buy them they can't take them away just like the recent gun acts that said you can't buy assault rifles once they were passed you couldn't buy them anymore but if you bought them the day before then your in the clear

Not correct. They have the option to grandfather in existing stock but its unlikely. If this rule passes, anyone who currently owns clownfish could be breaking the law. When the administrative rules change in these situations, they usually have a grace period to get rid of your now banned item, but rarely will they let you keep it.
Something tells me that we won't have to worry about the feds kicking down doors over a captive bred clownfish.
Yes this is true but with a delicate item such as the clown fish, if it were endangered how would we get rid of them without a lot of them dying?
Yes this is true but with a delicate item such as the clown fish, if it were endangered how would we get rid of them without a lot of them dying?

Unfortunately the government doesn't really care if the animals they are trying to protect die through implementing this rule.....
I think they call it global climate change now? The biggest joke ever except it is costing us billions of dollars


Climate = the average temperature over a period of time (years, decades, centuries, millenia, etc).
Weather = the temperature over a short period of time like day after day, hour by hour, etc.

The CLIMATE is going up as a result of "global warming". It may be the case that global warming is natural, but it's most certainly true that we aren't helping and could do a better job of controlling it.

The WEATHER is not necessarily impacted in a predictable way by CLIMATE changes. So, while the CLIMATE could be rising, the WEATHER may see things that seem counter-intuitive like colder winters. WEATHER isn't all that important, but CLIMATE is.

The only use of the term "CLIMATE CHANGE" over "GLOBAL WARMING" is because there's such a huge political movement to ignore science that even scientists had to start catering to the stupidity of said political movement.

Facts are facts, science is science. There's no "joke" about it. And it's not costing anybody a dime. In fact, if we implement solutions to said problem, the entire world would run far more efficiently which, in turn, is less expensive.
Well I'm not getting rid of my two clowns if they become illegal to own they are just too awesome and they definitely complete my tank and plus they were the 1st ones in there so they run the tank.
I thought it was illegal to put anything that has been in captivity and possibly treated with medication into the wild. How could captive bred clowns be tossed into the ocean legally?