29 gallon water change

It's all relative to your needs, it's not a set answer.

If you have a FOWLER (fish only with live rock), you might be able to get away with fewer changes, if you have a mixed reef then you might need to keep up with more regular changes.

If you have a primarily zoa only tank, then you might need fewer changes compared to an sps dominated tank.

Although a general rule to start with would be around 10% bi-weekly, or 20% monthly.
I mean the new water. I've seen the best way is to mix the salt and water for 24hours before putting it in. Is this true or is there no right or wrong way to do it
Buy a cheap powerhead, a heater & a 5 gallon Lowes or Home Depot bucket. I mix for 24 hours, but I've seen that many just mix until it dissolves. Make sure your temp & salinity match.

I do 5 gallon water changes every 2 weeks. I used to do them more often when I was battling algae, but cut back once I got it under control.
What he said, get you a 5g bucket . I just mix mine right after I do a water change. I know roughly how much salt to use and it gives me a week to fine tune it, up or down a .