Fairy wrasse bobbing


New member

I bought a fairy wrasse and a flasher wrasse 3 weeks ago. Qt them. They had ick. Put them in cupramine to 0.5. Fairy wrasse died before I could get there. Flasher has been fine. Added prazipro. My LFS replaced the fairy(exquisite) for me today. I put him in the qt with the flasher. Ammonia 0 nitrite 0. Sg 1.027(same as LFS) temp 78.9. I didn't drip him but I floated him for 30 minutes. Tonight he is bobbing at the top, though he occasionally dips below the water. Largely just floats at the surface. Flasher is fine. Copper is still 0.5. Should I worry?is this just some moving stress? Only other place to put him would be the DT. He had no signs of ick.

He was fine at the LFS so I have to think it is the copper or the prazipro? Or just adjustment stress?
IME, I had a Scott's fairy that did that just before it died. For some reason it isn't getting enough oxygen. I can't explain why though. Try adding an air stone?
In future don't do Prazi and Copper at the same time. Give your fish more time to acclimate from the move first. When one treatment is done move on to the next. Might just be too much stress. Interesting your store has such high salinity...stores usually run low.