Looking for Reef Flakes


New member
Hello, does anyone have any bags of Tropic Eden Reef Flakes they are willing to sell? I need two bags and am having difficulty finding some.

Got word that Aquatic Treasures was able to get some. It MUST be the Holy Grail of sand because...SHEESH...this has taken a while. Who knew great sand came from GERMANY!

Thanks for the help.
It's hard to find at LFS's because it only comes from 1 supplier that I am aware of and there is a shipping charge for them to get it.
So the only economical way is to buy it by the pallet. Not too many LFS's are willing to stock up on that much sand at a time and have to pay a shipping charge on top of it.

People like it not only for it's looks, but it's a dry sand that does not need rinsing to get all the dust off it, it comes in clean already like the typical live sands do.
Premium Aquatics free shipping over $175 covers both salt and sand. That's how I bought my Tropic Eden sand a few years ago. $40 for a 30lb bag now though. It used to be $30 :(