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hey guys anyone have any ideas?? i will test my levels becuase i know everyone will want to know them but the flesh on my lps is slowing dying from the bottom? anyone have this happen before and know what i may be?
do you have a media reactor? If so whens the last time you changed out the carbon and GFO?
When was the last time you did a water change and the percentage amount?

last what kind of LPS do you have thats dying on you?
i do have a gfo reactor. i changed it about a month ago and about a week ago i was at 0 phosphate. i put two things of carbon in the tank about a month ago. i also have a thing of the denitrate pellets in there for about a month and a half.
the system is about 90 gallons and i do a 15 gallon water change about every two weeks last one was a week ago. i can do another if needed.
hammers, blastos, frogspawn, dendro, acans. pretty much all lps in my tank.
Definitely test out the water to see what levels have changed. Switch out the GFO and Carbon to help out the nitrates and phosphate.

I never tired denitrate pellets so i'm sure someone else can chime in on this one.

As for water change I would say try 20 gallons and see if that will help things out. If it does i think you might need to up your water change a little bit more if its every other week to keep things a bit more stable.
hammers, blastos, frogspawn, dendro, acans. pretty much all lps in my tank.
Does this sentence mean the majority of corals in your tank are this ^^^ or are you saying that all these corals are affected?

Can you be more specific in details? What else is in there, how long have they been in there and what fish are in there? Not discounting the help about water chemistry, just approaching from a different angle
kh 10.3 this might be the problem :(
ca 435
mg 1420
phospate 0.00 hanna checker

lps is most of my tank. i have two rose anemones that are doing amazing. a mini maxi that isnt so mini. i have a maxima clam that is killing it(doing great), duncans are doing well, zoos are fine, hurricane chalice is doing great. lobo is fine, walking dendro is doing well also. most the lps have been in there atleast 6 months.
fish have been in the tank almost three years and dont bug anything they get feed everyday and are way too fat.
i just put a purple stylo in there about a week ago and it seems to be fine.
here are two photos sorry they are pretty blue let me know if you want me to take a different picture.


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i do have a gfo reactor. i changed it about a month ago and about a week ago i was at 0 phosphate. i put two things of carbon in the tank about a month ago. i also have a thing of the denitrate pellets in there for about a month and a half.
the system is about 90 gallons and i do a 15 gallon water change about every two weeks last one was a week ago. i can do another if needed.
hammers, blastos, frogspawn, dendro, acans. pretty much all lps in my tank.

Lps like the water "dirtier" than SPS, thats a lot of removal for an LPS tank, I would just take the GFO, Carbon and pellets offline and see if things improve
So the hammer, frogspawn, Blasto and acans are the ones having receding problems?

Are the Nems close to any of the affected corals?

What fish do you have? (I know they've been in there a long time and are well fed)

Do you have inverts in there like Mithrax crabs, peppermint shrimp etc?
i know that lps loves the extra waste in the tank. i try to over feed and have a large bio load to help it. i do have a 15 gallon fug in the system, i might get a weird reading becuase of it?
i have 2 clowns, scopas tang, vlamingii tang which is prob too big to be in the tank, flame angel, coral beauty angel, 1 large chromies, 6 line wrasse, diamond goby and a mandarin. algea growth like crazy? not sure it that is because the lights though. but i can remove the carbon and nitrate pellets and see if that helps.
the nems have their side of the tank that the corals are not next to becuase i know the nems will kill them.

i do have peppermint shrimp in there to try and get rid of the aiptesia out break that has become a problem in my tank. but the problem started before they were added. i also have two fire shrimp that are really annoying come feeding time when i get around to feeding things.
The Aiptasia can sting. Your centropyge Angels can acquire a taste for your LPS at any time. Your water parameters seem ok, even the higher dKH. You can always drop it a touch but other corals are fine with it. If you have excessive algae growth your water is dirty. Your phosphates and nitrates will read low because your algae is taking it in. If some LPS are doing great and some are not, if you have nothing fighting with them then I would be looking at inhabitants nipping or the coral not liking lighting or flow or something like that
i changed from a 6buld t5 to leds about a month and half ago? i mean i would expect bleaching and dying from teh top down if it was lighting?
Oh. That very well can be your problem. Your expectation of rtn or stn starting at tips is not accurate. It can start at bottom. LPS are more low light and led can be throwing out higher par then some of your corals are used to or like. Where's the affected ones placement and how long is your photoperiod?
i got the radion 15w pros. the new single puck lights. i have two over my 48'' long tank. i tested with a par meter a few weeks ago and they were sitting in like 80 par. i will borrow a par meter again in the next few days and check again. i was running the high growth but i changed it two days ago to a more blue low light.
this problem started before i changed the lights though.. i have been fighting this for a while and i am out of ideas.
Hmmm, ok. You absolutely positive your angels aren't nipping? It took me three weeks to figure out my little foxface was eating my Acans. It never did it when I was in front of tank. It really screwed up my acans
i see the angels nippling the glass and rocks but i have never seen them go after lps. i had angels go after things before and they were removed from the tank. i also havent had luck with foxfaces either. but i am almost certain its not the angels.
Well, I don't think its your water, not to be confusing you with the help you've received regarding your water and you can take your reactors offline. I don't think that's it. You have an algae prob which indicates the opposite of water being to clean. You mention that this problem started prior to changing your lighting system which I thought could be a factor and I still do to a degree. We've ruled out warfare with other corals/nems. It leads me to believe the corals are getting picked on and it so happens that you have two angels in there that are not 100% reef safe but just because you haven't witnessed it doesn't mean they're not. It took 3 weeks until I actually saw the foxface picking and I have (well, had) approx 40 Acans in the "front" of my tank. And that little sucker was irritating the majority of them, some more than others. I would keep the affected corals in qt if you have it or keep them in lower light and lower flow to help them. You can also consider a Lugosi dip. I really can't tell from pic how bad they are at this point. Good luck with this. There's some very knowledgable reefers close to you. Maybe one of them can come over and check it out. Try Cory/MxReefer