New Product! Current USA Orbit Marine LED Aquarium Light

Now we will see what the orbit really can do. I picked up three little frags today:

1. Green stag
2. Blue tip acro
3. Unknown brown piece

And yes, I know the color is off because of the led. But im going to use these as a test. The two fixtures are at 40% white channel, 80% blue channel. Let's see how this goes. Don't let me down orbits!

We look forward to hearing updates in the weeks/months to come! :beer:
Definately will do..

Just hoping I didn't push things adding these corals right now. My plan was to wait a good 3 to 6 months. But I've already got corraline starting on the rocks and many plastic places(overflow and return spout).. As long as they don't run upon this initial intro to the system, I "think" they will be ok. I have all fingers and toes crossed..

But I will post either way. Just will get up in the am really early to check on them..
Quick feedback: everything is still alive (no rtn) thank god! I will Quick them and provide further update..
Ok, called current again and a couple of things. First, with the two fixtures I was advised to start at about 40% on the whites with the three sps frags and then tailor to my like with the blues and work up to maybe 70% with 2 fixtures. Also, they advised probably mid level to start with the particular types I have a to not sick them. They also advised(as I inquired) what percent they guessed it increased the brightness with a second fixture, that somewhere between 60 and 70 percent in actual par value. Which given the 120 degree optics(raw diode from what I remember) isn't bad. Now if there were 90 degree optics, I'm sure it would skyrocket like the breeders and others with 90's.

So from my math and the little graph, the 400 original(marginal) par, the increase would take it up to 640(60% as I'm taking lowest percentages). I really wish I had a meter to accurately give values, as I'm just going off the minimum values given.

Ok, those are my findings so far as I will continue to inquire. But im going to watch the frags closely while time passes and keep the updates as time goes on.
Ok, called current again and a couple of things. First, with the two fixtures I was advised to start at about 40% on the whites with the three sps frags and then tailor to my like with the blues and work up to maybe 70% with 2 fixtures. Also, they advised probably mid level to start with the particular types I have a to not sick them. They also advised(as I inquired) what percent they guessed it increased the brightness with a second fixture, that somewhere between 60 and 70 percent in actual par value. Which given the 120 degree optics(raw diode from what I remember) isn't bad. Now if there were 90 degree optics, I'm sure it would skyrocket like the breeders and others with 90's.

So from my math and the little graph, the 400 original(marginal) par, the increase would take it up to 640(60% as I'm taking lowest percentages). I really wish I had a meter to accurately give values, as I'm just going off the minimum values given.

Ok, those are my findings so far as I will continue to inquire. But im going to watch the frags closely while time passes and keep the updates as time goes on.

Thank you again for following up! It's always helpful to hear what actual users are doing and, of course, what the manufacturer recommends.
Bumped to 55% on each fixture. Color on blue is still good and body is turning a green. Green stag was lightening up. Unnamed seems like it's main body is turning a light purple color. It's very strange because I've never had things in a system react so quickly. I did a 5 gallon water change and looked at the rock. The corraline is also popping up all over and the patches are increasing quickly..

Not sure if the corraline is the lighting, but I know the color of the coral is..
I'm considering this fixture for a 40G Breeder, with the intention of keeping only soft coral and LPS. Do you think the 36" fixture would be adequate, or would I require a second?
New Product! Current USA Orbit Marine LED Aquarium Light

I'm considering this fixture for a 40G Breeder, with the intention of keeping only soft coral and LPS. Do you think the 36" fixture would be adequate, or would I require a second?

On a 40g breeder I would most definitely recommend the 36-48" model to cover the entire tank. A single fixture would probably be just fine for soft corals and LPS placed appropriately in the center of the tank.

Having said that, you will have room to mount a second fixture which would really brighten up the tank and give you the flexibility to place corals throughout the entire aquarium.

Good luck with the new tank and let us know how it works out!
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I have a 60" long x36" wide x 27" tall SPS tank. Can I use these lights? I was looking at it and the 48-60s I was hoping to use 5 or 6 to cover the tank. Will this support SPS at the lower levels and is this even an option? I also seen where these might be linkable but havent seen anything about it.
They are not linkable at this point, maybe in the future, but I have not heard any concrete news from Current USA. If you take a look at the spectral information on our website linked below; the PAR values will not be sufficient for SPS past 8-12" from the water's surface.

For a tank of this size, you would be way better off with something like the Kessil A360W, Radion Pro, or AI Hydra52, especially for SPS. This will give you the ability to control the lights from a single source and also reduce cords and equipment around your tank. You will also get much better PAR values throughout the entire aquarium.

Feel free to let us know if you have more questions.
I have a 36 gallon bow and want to keep a few soft corals i.e. zoas frogspawn and a toadstool leather would this light be enough to keep those
New Product! Current USA Orbit Marine LED Aquarium Light

I have a 36 gallon bow and want to keep a few soft corals i.e. zoas frogspawn and a toadstool leather would this light be enough to keep those

Yes, this will provide the light you need for soft corals and LPS. Just be sure to place the corals appropriately in your aquarium based on lighting preference.
Black Friday @ Marine Depot

Black Friday @ Marine Depot

Awesome, should i wait for black friday will you be having a sale on this light :0

I haven't seen all the Black Friday deals yet (although the ones I have seen are going to make a lot of people happy!), so honestly I'm not sure. I have seen all of next week's deals though and it isn't among them. I'm not one to discourage a sale by any means, but I'd suggest just waiting until after Black Friday and Cyber Monday before you pull the trigger if you can hold out that long. There may be other offers you'd like to take advantage of that won't happen any other time of the year.
I just wanted to give it some time before I reported back... I am a bit disappointed as I don't believe these are going to work for my sticks. I just don't think they are powerful enough to do what I want for lighting.

I am going to keep using the two fixtures until I order my new units. If anything of happens,I will report back here
I actually did a little change to the lights and found that, after I purchased a few frags that I need to actually turn them down(acro polyps tucked in) I am running them now at 70 percent white and to get the color I like,90 blue. It seems to be going good, but am going to wait a week or two to see how growth and color changes in my stones..
I actually did a little change to the lights and found that, after I purchased a few frags that I need to actually turn them down(acro polyps tucked in) I am running them now at 70 percent white and to get the color I like,90 blue. It seems to be going good, but am going to wait a week or two to see how growth and color changes in my stones..

Thanks for the update! We hope things continue to go favorably for you!