100 Gallon Custom Peninsula Reef Build


New member
Hi. Long time reefer here. I would like to share my 100 gallon custom peninsula reef tank as we go through the setup. First we had to knock down a dividing wall, then replace the floor tile and patch everything up. We are upgrading from a Red Sea Reefer 250. Out tank was built by Gaston Bianchi at TankMe in Miami. It's low iron glass open rimmed tank.

  • Herbie Overflow with 1" drains
  • Dual 3/4 inch returns
  • Trigger Ruby 30 sump
  • Reef Octopus Regal 150-int skimmer
  • Reef Octopus VarioS-6 return pump
  • Ice Cap Gyre 3K
  • Refugium with Kessil H80
  • BRS Deluxe single reactor (GFO and Carbon)
  • Kamoer WIFI doser
  • Neptun Apex EB4 and EB8
  • 3 Hydra26 HD fixtures
  • Custom stand
  • Custom light fixture for Hydras





The stand finally arrived. There were a few things I requested that didn't get done so I shored up the stand a little myself. My advice would be to use a stand maker who is experienced in aquarium stands. It was tough.

Anyway, we like the way the system is looking so far. The tank is 48x24x20 with low iron glass on all sides. I have to be careful not to scratch the inside of the tank when building the reef and cleaning the glass for that matter. Low iron glass is soft. The cabinet maker delivered the stand and made the cutouts for plumbing and electric. We have a separate line coming from the breaker box to a GFI outlet. I am taking my time to do this right instead of rushing to fill it with water like my previous tanks. I eventually want to put a little half moon bar on the end of the tank–enough for 2 drink and 2 bar stools.

The canopy for the 3 Hydra 26 HD lights looked too bulky at 12 inches high. We are seeing if the stand maker can cut it down to like 7 inches and the electrician will come back to suspend it from the ceiling. If not, I am not sure what I will do for lighting. Maybe sell the Hydras and buy one Kessil AP700.

Today I will install the under cabinet LED lighting and the control panel to house the Neptune power bars and various controllers. I ran out of neoprene so I need to get something to cushion the underside of the trigger sump.








If I might add a little suggestion- pull the tank about 3 more inches from the wall. I'm concerned about salt creep and water damage.
Thanks MuShu. We are 1 1/2 inches out now. Are you thinking we should be out 4.5 inches? What about if we painted that wall will white marine paint?
Hey Acroart. We start filling her up tonight. We had to shore up the stand. I will post pictures later. The stand builder laid the 2 x 4 s flat and not on their long side and there is a 4 foot span with no center brace. The stand build looks nothing like I see online and I was concerned. The tank builder installed the tank and said we should be fine because the corners are sturdy but if it were his tank he would brace the top 2 x 4s. The glass is 1/2 inch thick and the tank has a floating bottom another 1/2 inch thick and he said the pressure of the water is on the sides of the tank not the middle. The top of the stand is 3/4 inch plywood and there is a 1 x 4 on its side as a top skirt. I freaked when I realized the top structure has 2 x 4 s laid flat.
Yeas- just out from the wall 4-6 inches to give you some air circulation and to prevent damage to the wall over time. I'm not sure about marine paint. It probably couldn't hurt as long as it goes with the rest of the house.

Even when my freshwater tanks were really close to the wall, I would get water damage over time, and that's going to be a pain to fix/repaint down the line if your tank is right up to the wall.
Today's Accomplishments

Today's Accomplishments

Charlie from Healthy Aquatics coming over in the morning for a consultation. He will be installing the plumbing so off to Home Depot again.

Today we moved the tank and stand away from the wall a bit. I installed two kick out 2 x 4 supports that will also serve to hold a wood divider wall between the sump and electric compartment. We had to brace under the sump with some 1 x 4 supports so the plexiglass sump does not bow since there was no other support, just a floating 1/2 or 3/4" raised bottom panel. I think we are fine now on the 'custom' stand.

I installed a LED lighting strip from Amazon and a yoga mat under the trigger sump. I have a 4 channel DJ power outlet box and the Neptune EB4 and EB8 mounted to a black panel. I call it my control panel. The DC controllers will be mounted to the front of the panel.

I am filling her up with a combination of NSW and Coral Pro salt DI water. I used 60 pounds of reef grade sand. I have 3 messy wrasses so I wanted to go with something a little heavier this time. The Figi pink gets all over the corals thanks to my wrasses. I also have some live rock cooking in the garage for about a month so I added that tonight. It's going to take several days to fill her up. My RODI is slow.

I have all of my corals and fish is a 30 gallon temporary tank since we had a lot of construction done. I am going to cycle the new tank with the table shrimp method and not transfer over the live stock until the parameters are right. I am figuring about a month if all goes well.

I have been reading about the triton method but will wait one year before I experiment with that. I'm following the conversion of the BRS 160 to the triton method with Bulk Reef Supply so we will see how that goes. This new tank will have a refugium, protein skimmer and GFO when needed. I have been using the Bulk Reef Supply CA, ALK, and MG. Triton requires a larger refugium than what you get with a Ruby Trigger sump so we wait.

So stay tuned for more on the build.






Plumbing Coming Friday

Plumbing Coming Friday

Here are some new pics of the tank with sand and water. The tank looks longer now that the sand is in. The plumbing will be installed by Friday. The Icecap Gyre 3K just came back from Coralvue service and seems much quieter. My temp 30 gallon holding tank doing OK. Fish are holding up but I lost a few corals. Will be happy when I can transfer everything to the new tank.




Hurricane slowed us dowm

Hurricane slowed us dowm

We just recuperated from the hurricane. I lost one fish and several corals from the temp holding tank. Charly coming Sunday to install the plumbing now. Stay tuned.