A wonderful meeting


New member
I would like to thank Coral Reef Aquatics and John and he's staff for a wonderful meeting. I hope to do lots more bussiness with them in the future. Again thank you for hosting our meeting and I putting up with us for almost 3 hours. We Maxed his store to the limit and I sure we broke every fire code in the process.

Don't rub it in for all of us that missed it. :) I REALLY wish I could have been there, but at the college I work at we had a function I had to attend. Maybe next time.
what fun
didn't get to meet as many as i would have liked (kind of nervous,first time u know)
can't wait to do it again
It was really great to see so many people there.
Johnny, you out did yourself on the door prizes my friend. :thumbsup: Wow!
A BIG THANK YOU goes out to Will, Shannon and Jason for doing all the real work.
Hope to see everyone next month. Right now, I've got some reading to do...you know, the 4 volume set of Reef Notes by Julian Sprung that I WON AS A DOOR PRIZE!!!!! :D
I think the door prizes were rigged. Some people won like 5 things and poor ole' me only got a small bottle of DKH buffer. But he it was free so you won't hear me complaining anymore. Mariner you lucking dog, when you get done reading pass it this way.

Again, I have to give a BIG :thumbsup: It was a AWSOME Meeting!!!!

It was GREAT to see SO many :fish2: people there. Lot's of NEW faces !!!:)

John's Shop looks so good with all the new tanks and Extra Large Room. Very Nice!!!

Thank You John for all the door prizes that I came home with too!
and for hosting the meeting. And to Will and Shannon and Jason. Thanks for helping me out and answering all my questions:D

I want to give A Big Thank to Tomoko & Marnier and Harry for the Wonderful Frags. They are now in the tank and it already looks better!!!!!! I really appreciate them so much:)

I look forward to all the meetings. It's nice talking talking reef's to others that like it like you do. :)
Thank you John, and Roll Tide!!!

I really appeciate the door prizes, as well as the corals and algaes.

Mary, is that little tiny skimmer skimming yet? ;) Thanks for the lightbulb!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6828453#post6828453 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Tunguska
Thank you John, and Roll Tide!!!

I really appeciate the door prizes, as well as the corals and algaes.

Mary, is that little tiny skimmer skimming yet? ;) Thanks for the lightbulb!

YES!!!! THANK YOU SOOO MUCH!!!!! I am so glad you got it figured out :) Did the bulb work for you?
Just wanted to thank John for hosting a great meeting and for all the door prizes, they were great! Thanks to Tomoko and Mariner for setting it up, and to Mariner for the free Xenia! My unlce was sooo proud! Thanks to Will for explaining sump stuff to a newbie! I enjoyed the meeting and getting to meet all the new people! I had a blast.
Well, I was certainly glad to get to attend another meeting. :D Great to see everyone and thanks John for the hospitality and great door prizes. Will, your presentation on the OM's was very informative. I can attest to the fact that they are a great product and should be strongly considered by anyone setting up a medium to large tank.:cool:
Yes, thank you John! It was a lot of fun, and I learned a lot picking everyones brain. Also thank you Mary for the 30, and Aaron for hauling Kristy and I up there! :) Ohh and Tomoko for the great deal on the frogspawn! :)
It was fantastic!! So good to see you all!! I never saw so many people packed into John's. It was so generous of John to provide us with not only the place for the meeting but also all the door prizes and great discounts.

I will talk to Jerry at Fish Tails soon and start a thread about the date for the next meeting.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6828663#post6828663 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by MaryBebo
Did the bulb work for you?

I haven't wired my fixture yet, but the bulb fits the socket. I don't see any damage to the bulb, so it should work fine. Thanks again!
I had to PAY!!!!

I had to PAY!!!!

I want to give A Big Thank to Tomoko & Marnier and Harry for the Wonderful Frags. They are now in the tank and it already looks better!!!!!! I really appreciate them so much:)

Tomoko made me pay for mine:(

But I still love it!

Was a wonderful time and thanks to the supliers that donated Stuff.

I think that Marineer should be banned from all future drawings. (Or not pick the tickets) :bum:

I think that Marineer should be banned from all future drawings. (Or not pick the tickets)
OK, I'm busted. Was it my beady little eyes my big fat belly that tipped you off? :D
LoL I have to say I was surprised To see so many people show up.. Was good to see everyone again and to see so many new faces.. Sorry I didn't get to talk to some of you! Hope everyone shows up for next months meeting!
