After 35 years I quit


New member
I am leaving the hobby.I have had saltwater tanks for 35 plus years now.I am getting old and losing the passion I once had.I am selling it all.This is a major accumulation of tanks and equip from over the years.I have several tanks ranging in size from 10 gal to 125 gal ,all are glass tanks.The list is huge over 2000 lbs live rock ,many pieces weighing close to 100lbs each.Pumps lots of Iwakis,Powerheads,Lighting,halide,power compacts,VHO,standard flourscent.Sumps,refugiums.Wavemakers.CO2 tanks.Controllers-sanders,neptune,aquadyne.Calcium reactors.Skimmers.500 lbs sand,Books.Acrylic modular propagation setup.Lots of up and running systems yet.Plus much more.Literally an entire garage full.There is easily enough to start a small business .I would like to sell all as a package if possible for $10,000 obo.There is easily double this amount sitting here .The rock alone at $3.00 lb would be $6,000.Icecap ballasts I have at least 24 at $100.00 each another $2400 plus everthing else, way over $10,000 I know its alot of money but if you see what you are getting you will see its fair.If I can not sell all within two weeks from this post I will sell piece by piece until it is all gone.This is a local sale only to help my fellow reefers.Sorry no pics or lists there is just to much here.I do not frequent the boards anymore so if interested please do not PM me or post here.Email me and I will send you my phone#and address.Thanks to all that I have met over the years,its been a long journey.Regards,Doug Stewart