Angel Questions


Premium Member
I have been doing some thinking and I think that they next breeding adventure is going to be Pygmy Angels.

I am currently breeding clowns, cards and have gobies pairing up as we speak. Once I am comfortable with the breeding and rearing of those critters I want a new challenge hence the Angels.

So, in the meantime I want to get tanks going and maturing groups in preparation for production and start learning the cutural techniques of raising smaller than Rotifer diets.

Any suggestions on where to start??

Fish that I want to work with are Flame, Flame Back, Potters, Lemon Peel and Golden. I understand that they need a deep tank, how deep. And from reading about the Flame Angel breeding program in Hawaii at the pearl farm, they feed copopod larvae. Any suggestions on how to culture those? I have tried to get ideas from other sources for food (Reed Mariculture, Scripps, Aquarium of the Pac) but no real for sure answers.

So I guess what I am getting at here is any suggestions on ANYTHING Angel!!


I too have though about this. The link Ed gave you is the best info I have been able to find yet. Basically, there is one or two pod species that worked for them, and you have to isolate those, get them to breed, then isolate the babies, and feed only the newly hatched pods. I did a little research and think I discovered one of the species they used was Acartia clausi, but only the nauplii. They would neither confirm or deny that this was correct.

After doing more extensive research, I decided to can the project due to the extreme complexity of raising the copepods (they had forty - 30 gallon barrels in rotation just to make enough pods for one hatch I think). It would be incredibly cool, just a lot more than I want to try to chew right now. If you go for it, definitely keep us posted.

Oh, there was also a decent news paper article that I found written about RCT (online) that made mention that these specific pod species might be comercially available at some point in the future, haven't followed up on that yet.

Good luck, I'm doing Royal Grammas next instead :D
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6529162#post6529162 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by ediaz
There is a presentation at Marine ornamentals 06 regarding the mass, sustainable culture of calanoids, maybe you can go...

Here is some info about angel breeding that shows the tank they use:


I know the guy giving that presentation, it's not going to be any good ;)

Ed, have you seen a listing of topics???
I say you are wrong the guy giving the presentation is very knowledgeable, helped me a lot. You better take that back...:D

I got the list from a friend, it looks awesome almost better than last year, i did not plan ahead and don't have a larvae sitter,not sure if our friend @ NY is going to make it...

Are you gonna try Imac?

Thank you everyone for the advice and help.

I still want to do this even though the cards are stacked against me. Looks like the biggest hurdle to jump over is the initial food for the fry. I talked to Randy at Reed Mariculture and he is going to try and get some SS Rotifers and Ciliates going for me and then show me how to culture them. But that being said and reading Baenches site that food is not going to work very well, I need the Copopod larva for them to get over the five day mark! So, has anyone been able to raise pod larva with out using the 40 thirty gallon barrel meathod??

So again I am looking to you for guidance and help with this.

Oh, as much as I would love to go to LV and the convention there.......its a little short notice and I think that my girlfriend would kill me if I went to LV again (four times last year). But if anyone is going, if I could get a copy of the lecture notes?!

Thanks Again

LOL, Randy's elusive S strain rotifers.

Anyone have any links to papers showing ciliates actually are a suitable firs feed (have decent nutritional value)? I know it's mentioned in Hoff's book, but if it works, why is no one doing ciliates commercially?
Don't even bother wasting your time with rotifers or cilaties on these larvae. I think there is plenty of evidence from RCT, OI, and KBF work on Centropyge that the proper copepod must be used. Further more most fish out there do very poorly on rotifers and the ones that we currently rear are a reflection of those that will live on this horrible larval feed.

Ciliates have a worse HUFA profile than rotifers. I am sure some demerally spawned fish that have passed the first few critcal stages of larval devleopment in the egg can use them as a first food, but I would doubt that many pelagic larvae would survive on them.
I think they move way too fast for the larvae also..

Andy might have a paper, if any...

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6537601#post6537601 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by spawner
Don't even bother wasting your time with rotifers or cilaties on these larvae. I think there is plenty of evidence from RCT, OI, and KBF work on Centropyge that the proper copepod must be used. Further more most fish out there do very poorly on rotifers and the ones that we currently rear are a reflection of those that will live on this horrible larval feed.

Ciliates have a worse HUFA profile than rotifers. I am sure some demerally spawned fish that have passed the first few critcal stages of larval devleopment in the egg can use them as a first food, but I would doubt that many pelagic larvae would survive on them.

Thanks Andy, and Ed, good to know :D