anybody get little thorns in hands when curing LR? where are they from??


New member
ok guys im still in the process of curing my lr but everytime i handle my rock..with gloves.... i always get these little thorns in my hands..... even without the gloves i still get them when handling my can only see the thorns in good light because they are s small...almost like cactus thorns..WHAT ARE THEY?
Bristleworm spines.....yup, I hate 'em too......always a pain to avoid though. Must be some potent bristleworms if you're getting them in your hands *through* the gloves.
I've gotten bristleworm setae and the shells from what I think are vermetid snails in my hands, but not through my gloves. They do hurt. I usually get them out with tweezers but I've heard that soaking your hands in vinegar will help dissolve them.