Apex Woes - No power at all


Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori
Premium Member
Well my apex system has crashed. There’s no power to the base unit or EB 832. The outlets have power. Even with pretty much everything unplugged, the 832 with power on for about 2 seconds and then shut off (I can hear it click on and off), but none of the lights turn on.

Well time to get an auxiliary power supply for the base unit and a new 832
Since you're using the EB832, I assume this is the newer base unit? Hope you can find a cheaper fix. Maybe Fix Reef could do a repair???
So I talked with a few people, and the common thing is the internal power supply going out. The issue is my power supply appeared to be working (the clicking on and off)

Since Neptune support is closed until 9am, I decided I’d try a self diagnosis of something they’d likely ask me to do. Which is plug it directly into a wall outlet and not the strip. Here’s the good part…I figured it out!

My Wav pump was shorting or overloading it somehow. I was getting ready to pull the Apex system to test on a direct outlet instead of the power strip. I don't know why but I left the EB 832 plugged in and began unplugging the other Neptune products. So I unplugged the dos and nothing happened. The moment I unplugged my WAV it rebooted and is now working like it was. Everything else including the dos is plugged back in and we are golden