birdsnest frags


New member
hey everyone, last night i had another rock fall on my birdsnest coral and as a result i have a few frags.when i bought this coral it was a light pink color but since then it turned brown and i havnt gotten the pink to come back, however this coral grows fast and still looks pretty cool with its growth formations. let me know if your interested.
So you made it back from the lovely keys eh? I hope you had a good time. Did you bring back any other goodies from the warm atlantic?

I'll take a little piece of the birdsnest if you have some to spare. I have a few frags for you too.

yep made it back from the keys and it def was a good time. however i ran out of time to collect a bunch of stuff. i ended up only grabbing a handfull of mangrove pods (if you want i can give ya a few of those too) not to mention the fish and game were out in full force and pulled me over when fishing a few times that week... and i didnt want to get caught taking things i shouldnt. im not sure how you would like to exchange some frags so just let me know when your around and we can figure something out.
if you have any birdnest or extra pods of mangrove, please hold them for me!

sounds like your time was better than mine--we got hit by tropical storm barry.
yep, i have about 8 birdsnest frags(maybe more in the sand) so who ever wants one can have it. you got it sumner, ill hold some pods and a frag for ya...just let me know when your ready for them.
oh by the way whoever wants one of the frags, send me a pm so i can figure out a time to get it to you.