Brand new cracked aquarium.


New member
I was just setting up my new 180 gallon aquarium. I noticed it might have a small crack under the silicon and under the plastic bracing. I can't tell if it's just a bubble in the silicone or crack. I tried to run my finer across it but can't really feel anything. If it is a crack is it okay to set it up still sense the bracing is behind it?
Looks like a chip in the glass on the underside to me. Can you post an overall picture so we can understand where exactly this is located on the tank?
I have to agree. Appears to be a chip in the glass and would ask the vendor for an exchange
That is such a weird chip. If it happened before or during assembly I would assume the silicone would have filled and hidden it. I guess it got bonked during transport? It's where all the tank load is going to be so yep I'd always be worrying about it.
It's seems like I've had bigger chips then this from drilling holes in aquariums. Is there a difference between the drilled hole chips and this chip?
Right now, you can exchange it. A little time, but the planning can go on. If you fill it, that warranty may expire. No way of knowing what the outcome would be, but it won't work out as well as just getting a new tank.
I already drilled the tank. Warranty is void I'm assuming. Tank from visio. Maybe sell the aquarium as a terrarium on ebay? Lol
In the end, it’s your decision. Before your last post, I was unaware you had drilled this tank. Those advising against using the tank are only trying to help you avoid the problems you’ll encounter if the tank fails after you fill it.

That said, I have had tanks with similar chips but on the outside that lasted for years. But those were much smaller tanks.