can someone help me out please?


New member
I am trying to decide what lighting system I should buy, I know that metal halides are the best. but all's I am looking for is either pc or vho's. Which one makes more sense? I keep hearing that vho's and t5 lighting is the best way to go is this true? Is it better than pc lighting. I always thought that pc was the best way to go. but now I maybe getting swayed to go to t5 vho lighting? please shed some light on this matter!! just kiding I know that was awful.
Don't go PC, they have short life and break easily. I had PCs and am glad to be rid of them. I have not used VHO, but have T5s and really like them. I decided T5 instead of VHO based partly on energy efficiency (when used with the proper reflectors) - one 54W T5 has about the same PAR as one 110W VHO. But some people like the 'look' of VHOs better (not me).
I have a 55 gal. w/ 6x65w pc. I replace the bulbs once a year, as far as them breaking easy?? I have never had one break on me. I like the PC.

PC's will cost more in the long run than T5's. They dont last as long and I dont think they produce the same quality of light.
ill tell you what, if i had the money, id trade in my 150 watt halide for some of Claudes T5s from the jan meetin gin a heartbeat.
I have a 6/54 watt fixture on my 120 and i have mostly softies. I have about 6 different sps now (at different levels in the tank)and they are all doing well. T5s will give you at least a yr of bulb life. If you go T5 you wont regret it!
Whatever flourescent system you go with, keep in mind that cooler bulbs = longer life bulbs. From what I understand, the reason PCs don't last as long is because you have two tubes next to each other, and they heat each other up. That's also part of the reason why flourescents last onnger on an Ice Cap.

That's just what I've gathered, somebody let me know if I'm wrong.
I have a 75 gallon tank right now. but the problem is that I have a 4 light power compact unit at the time being. I am thinking of putting another 4 bulbs in my unit possibly t5 after what I have heard from everyone. Is it okay to mix or not? from what I am gathering is that pc's will do the job just wont have that wow look in spectrum and they dont last as long. right now I have mostly shrooms and zoos. I do have a couple hard corals like a frogspawn, and a hammer. they are both doing fine. But I know they could do better. Also have thought about going the halide route. and getting rid of all of my pc's.
Before you spend any money, stop and think about what you want. What you think the future will hold. Then go out and buy what you need. Don't try and save money here and get less than you want/need. It only ends up costing you more because you'll end up buying again in a year or two.

my 2 cents
It's been my experiance that no matter what I have (lights,skimmers,pumps) I always want something better/different, lol. The one thing I'm happy with is 2x400W MH w/flour. actinic over my 75G. I have 3 smaller tanks setup with PC's. On my 45 I will upgrade but I've been torn between T-5's or 2x150W MH. I will probably go with the MH. I'm now just starting to set up a 210. This should be interesting.