Chaeto Eating Bristleworm?


New member
I didn't know that bristleworms would eat chaeto. This worm was in my chaeto patch that was floating on the top of the water. As you can see, it's eating a strand of chaeto! I have scores of the bristleworms in the bottom of my tank, all very well fed, so I was surprised to see this. Anyone else have bristles that eat veggies?

He is just starting to eat this strand:

He's about halfway up the strand now:

The strand is now twisted around and he's following it like spaghetti:
Those are really impressive pictures.

I don't even think that I could see my bristle worms eating anything without a macro lens like you've got there. :lol:

Very little mouths.
Give yourself a pat on the back for those pictures !!!!!

Good job, that is awesome.

I did not know they ate it either, maybe it was flavored with new decaying shrimp flavor.