club picnic 2019 on 7-20-19


New member
We have rented the Moon Pavillion #77 at North Park for this year's club picnic. We purchased an alcohol permit to go along with it, but the rules state no glass bottles. I'm sure can and plastic cups are fine. The club will be having the main course prepared by the privately owned Giant Eagle in Cranberry who is a lifetime member of the club. The club provides non alcoholic beverages and the main course. All of us are expected to bring a side/snack/desert. We usually have around 50 people in attendance. Wives/husbands and children are welcome.

Hope to see everybody there.
Hi! Again!

Hi! Again!

Hi Ted!! Long time no talk again! so it would seem I have been pulled back into the hobby.... only this time- it is my WIFE who wants the aquarium, so she is in process of setting a new JBJ and next year aiming to set up a 6' custom acrylic with custom flow manifold for full tidal laminar flow alternating 4 times a day....

looking forward to catching up with the club again!

Kris - look forward to seeing you - feel free to come to the picnic - meet all the new people - there are plenty of them. If you need any for the new system - I have extra Cheato for free.
He all had a great day at the picnic yesterday. Yes, it was hit do it broke up about 5:30. Nice to see the kids and dpouces of fellow hobbyist.