Coral ID Please!


New member
Can anyone ID these corals.. I got them from a someone was getting out of the hobby:




Thanks in advance
First one looks like a Turbinaria, but it's a pretty bad pic.

Second one is either an Echinphyllia or Echinpora, something along those lines and I'm too lazy to look them up right now.

Third one is an Acro...probably A. tenuis.
the first coral is echinopora, possibly E. lamellosa. The second is echinophyllia and the third is some kind of acro. I think echinoporas ard really cool. Not the most colorful corals but in the right conditions they can develop a light bluish color with brightly colored nodules.
The first is Echinopora lamellosa, rather common in Europe thanks to the Löbecker Zoo, which distributed frags some years ago.

The second looks to be Echinophyllia, possibly E. aspera. Note the ridges near the edge!

The third is an Acropora, of course, possbily A. cerealis, but the foto is too soft to tell.