Decommissioning Large Saltwater Tank in Tulsa

Robert W Cox

New member
With Tulsa's Premier Aquatics out of business I need to shut down and give away the large saltwater tank (it contents and accessories) that Scott has been tending for the last 3 years. Any suggestions will be welcome. Thanks.
Robert W. Cox
I'm sorry to say that Mr Cox didn't feel that I had the knowledge, muscle or resources to take down his tank and would rather pass the tank on to "a couple of men" so if you fit the profile, call him.
Robert, there is a facebook group that has absorbed the traffic that this forum used to take. I'm sure you'd find some folks there with the know how or connections to do whatever you need to do. It's called OK Reef Community. It seems pretty biased to the OKC area, but I think it would be a good starting point. Also, since you mentioned 'give away,' I'd be interested to know what you had in mind. Shoot me a PM with what you have in mind, if you could.
Cody - I cannot pm you since I do not have 10 posts. Sorry. Thanks for the info about the Facebook group. True that I am more in a give-away mode than raising cash from a piecemeal sale.
Got ya, shoot me an email at my screen name here and maybe we can get you pointed in the right direction
I looking to get back into the hobby. I sold my tank a year ago and have been regretting it and missing it since. You can email me at cbay4duke yahoo.