Do various copper/chemical meds affect the bio. filtration?


New member
Excellent artice on QTs - convinced me! You emphasized the need for bio filtration in the QT (btw, sponge in main tank a genius idea). Do various copper/chemical meds affect or destroy the bio. filtration in the QT? I don't think I've ever read if copper, etc. kills good bacteria. Thanks.
Truthfully, I don't use copper very much. I actually had not used it for years until very recently I started again. Back when I first began keeping marines, copper medications were a big hassle. You had to test and adjust the dosage once or twice a day. It was just too much of a burden for me so I found alternatives. Just recently, I have begun using Cupramine from Seachem and have found it to be easier. It is alleged to be safer for the beneficial bacteria than other forms of copper, but in any case it is best to monitor ammonia and nitrite concentrations just to be sure.
So after using Cupramine until no more signs of ich, then waiting 6 weeks, the bio filter may safely be returned to the sump of the display tank? Also, does Cupramine treat Marine Velvet? Thanks!
So after using Cupramine until no more signs of ich, then waiting 6 weeks, the bio filter may safely be returned to the sump of the display tank?

Yes, just so long as during the 6 weeks of waiting you have performed water changes and used activated carbon or Polyfilter to dilluted and remove the copper.

Also, does Cupramine treat Marine Velvet?
