Drilling back of AGA rr 180g!


New member
I really want to drill 2 holes in the back of my AGA 180 for a closed loop but im kinda worried i would screw up my expensive tank. Does anyone know if the back is tempered or not? Is it really that big of deal to drill a glass tank? Ive read this entire thread on it and he makes it look easy.


Is there anyone that has done it that was affraid to and didn't mess up their tank?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6498322#post6498322 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by nikonosis
anyone actually mess up their tank drilling it?

Many people have broken a tank from drilling. According to all-glass the back of the 180 is not tempered but the bottom is.
cant remember where i saw it. either this site or aquarium advice.

someone had drilled their 90-120 tank too close to the top and it cracked when filled with water.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6499028#post6499028 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by nikonosis
well from what ive read, your supposed to stay the hole thickness away from other holes and the sides.

well it seems youve done your homework. go for it.