Duluth club restart


New member
Anyone interested in restart of the Duluth reef club please email me. I have been doing some trolling and got a few nibbles. Right now we are looking to have a first experimental meeting within a month. Probably a weekend. Not sure of a location. This is all VERY negotiable. Just testing for interest and contact info. Several people from the Range have expressed interest too. I had such a wonderful time in Bemidji and while I am new to the hobby, I find the salt is making me thirsty for more.

Please email nick.krumrei@gmail.com with contact information. My number is 218-721-4892.

I live and work in Duluth. I have a 29g biocube set up with a mix of fish and zoa's, and a 55 non drilled on the shelf waiting money and wife approval.

I am glad to extend my home to meetings. I hope to try to get a club meeting into and including the Lake Superior Aquarium in hopes to peek in the basement and perhaps generate enthusiasm for them and for our club.

Looking forward to meeting you all. I have heard there is 25 reef keepers in Duluth? Sounds wonderful.

Nick aka Nannook of the North
Hi Nick, my name is Jay and Im a member of the old Club (G.M.R.S.) and look forword to getting everyone together again. I got Matts email today and passed it on to a couple other guys that are also interested in meeting sometime this month.

I'm looking to meeting you and other fellow reefers from the Twin Ports.

Nick as you know I passed the e-mail from Matt along to all our old members. I also have some phone numbers without e-mail addresses from my local customer list I will call once we have more meeting details. Our old group was very loosely structured before but we always had good turnouts and I suggest we just dive in with informal in home meetings. The only reason we lost interest before is because the Filter Guys business became so big I had no time for club business and I was more or less the driving force.

Anyone interested in restart of the Duluth reef club please email me. I have been doing some trolling and got a few nibbles. Right now we are looking to have a first experimental meeting within a month. Probably a weekend. Not sure of a location. This is all VERY negotiable. Just testing for interest and contact info. Several people from the Range have expressed interest too. I had such a wonderful time in Bemidji and while I am new to the hobby, I find the salt is making me thirsty for more.

Please email nick.krumrei@gmail.com with contact information. My number is 218-721-4692.

I live and work in Duluth. I have a 29g biocube set up with a mix of fish and zoa's, and a 55 non drilled on the shelf waiting money and wife approval.

I am glad to extend my home to meetings. I hope to try to get a club meeting into and including the Lake Superior Aquarium in hopes to peek in the basement and perhaps generate enthusiasm for them and for our club.

Looking forward to meeting you all. I have heard there is 25 reef keepers in Duluth? Sounds wonderful.

Nick aka Nannook of the North

PS Sorry I fat fingered my phone number. 218-721-4692
Duluth Reef Club Restart, January 31st.....

Duluth Reef Club Restart, January 31st.....

Good evening (or morning) everyone!http://www.reefcentral.com/forums/images/smilies/wavey.gif

I've merged the email list I had with the one provided by Jim Grassinger,(Filterguys). If there is anyone who would like to be REMOVED from receiving any further emails regarding a Twin Ports Marine Aquarium Group, please just shoot me an email and let me know. I have kept everyone's email addresses on a BCC for privacy's sake.

Well, we're about to kick off 2010 with our first trial run at a gathering. Josh & Jen Gutowski have generously volunteered to welcome us to their home. Here's the details:

Date: Sunday, January 31st, 2010 (1/31/10)
Time: 2-4 PM
Location: Provided upon RSVP
Phone Number: If you have any questions, you can call Matt Pedersen's cell at 847-732-7333.

POT LUCK: Yes, we're gonna do a pot luck of sorts, because, well, we all like food too I assume. From Nick, our categories include: Small Finger Foods, Drinks, Chips, Deserts or Misc (you know, plates, napkins, paper cups, please all recyclable / biodegradable products if possible).

RSVP: Please RSVP by email to matt@cichlidrecipe.com by Monday, Jan 25. Include number attending, and at least two alternate "pot luck" contributions from two different categories - I'll try to get all the pot lucks organized and let you know which of your offerings to bring, and will provide meeting location information.

Agenda: Our first informal gathering of area Marine Fish and Reef Enthusiasts in 2010.

We had talked about doing a presentation at this first gathering, but in truth, mine tend to run 1 hour at least. If anyone else thinks they have a short informative presentation on a topic of interest to them, I welcome you to volunteer! But honestly, I think we can fill 2 hours no problem already!

The main goal - I'd like to accomplish a brain dump. I want all of your ideas for what a revitalized group should be, what it should do, how it should work, and perhaps what you might be willing to contribute. I want to know what worked for everyone in the past, but also what didn't. I'd like to then take all of those ideas, kick 'em around in my head, maybe followup with some people, and come back with a 'group proposal' for all of you at a second meeting.

Of course, we'll also get to see the Gutowski's tank, meet area aquarists we may not know, and talk about fish, corals, and trade secrets. The most important part in all of this is to have fun!

"Incentives": So, since I've been basically talking about getting a "group" presence in the area since I moved to Duluth in September, it's time for me to pony up and put my money where my mouth is. Time to dangle a carrot. I'm personally going to donate a door prize, drawn at random for one lucky attendee, a copy of the rare, out of print (only available used) Reproduction in Reef Fishes by Ronald Thresher. You have to be there to win, no putting your name in the hat and dashing! There may be other incentives for showing up, but I'm not promising anything more than what's listed here ;) You'll have to show up to find out!

I look forward to meeting those of you I may not already know! Again, please RSVP to the email address below with attendees & pot luck options!

Best Regards,
