Emerald Crabs for Bubble Algae

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Premium Member

I am having a bit of a problem with some Bubble Algae. I was thinking of getting an Emerald Crab to help with this problem. The Sally Lightfoot does not touch the stuff.

Are Emerald Crabs for the most part "Reef Safe" and will one help my problem? I have no other algae problems at all.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Best regards, Al

He who feared he would not succeed sat still.
Have seen people say yes and no. Guess it depends on the crab. I had a problem that continued to get worse with bubble algae. Added an Emerald and do not have a problem now. Never saw him munch on one but they disappeared. Now just see him picking algae. Never see him bother corals or polyps.

According to Biogeek, there are at least 4 different genus sold as Emerald Crabs. While there are some reasonable
generalizations you can make between species of a single genus, there are virtually no generalities that can be made in this case.
That is why some people have good success and some people have bad luck. Each of the four has a different diet preference. Its

Hope this helps.

I have 2 emerald greens and they have cleaned up the valonia and I have seen them eat it (valonia). So far the corals have been safe, but it only has been a month.

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